Saturday, June 19, 2010

I was in your arms the whole night.

The moment you sit beside me, my heart started pumping fast. 
It was as though, you're my new boyfriend and we just started dating.
This sweetest feeling inside me was indescribable. 
It feels like we're back to 5 years ago, the first time you hugged me. 

Last night, I feel so safe and secure with you wrapping your arms around me.
Was damn bloody happy to see you after 10 days.
You whisper sweet nothings into my ears and it made me glee.
For that moment, I feel that I am the luckiest girl on Earth to have met someone so special and someone whom love me so much like I do.


I was so happy to see Ben walking towards the car yesterday lugging his big bag of clothes and necessities. Although he raise his voice at me on the phone because he's so damn lousy at spotting his dad's car, I didn't even argue back. LOL!

Continue later...
I'm sleepy..