Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oh shugs. Its gonna be 2am and I can't get to sleeeep! The later it gets the more energetic I am. Suck ballz. But whatever. I miss Ben. Bet he's tired with all the trainings and stuffs and he's sleeping like a log now. Can't call because he switched off his cell. :(( Fucking NS, bf snatcher. If it was the usual, he would have been playing his bloody PS3 now, fucking no life, I know because thats what I thought so too. Can call anytime anywhere becuz he would definitely answer my call. Sadz. Guess I should really toss and turn and then eventually I'll fall asleep rightright?

Monday, June 28, 2010

I suck at decorating.

Really thankful that they both accompanied me!

The end product.

I know I suck at decorating. :( Totally suck manz. Sad. Ben's birthday was supposedly on 14th June. But I celebrate it with him only when he book out. Because on his birthday, he's still in the camp! Poor bb, have to go through his 20th birthday in the camp. Bet it must be the most memorable birthday that he had man. Haha!

Anyways, I wanted to give Ben a surprise on that day. But I totally failed. Damn it! I put it in his fridge and blah~ The very kpo him went to open the fridge, saw the pink box, open the box and totally saw his birthday cake la!!! He already knew about it but the dumb me still behave very cheekily. :( Always plan surprise always fail. 

His Mom and I were like "shhhh.. okok kuai dian! Go put the candles". =.=


Anyway, I am feeling very eppy happy today! One thing is because I thought that I will pass my Econs paper with only a borderline pass or maybe a fail. Although its not an A but still, I am contented with the result! Hehehe. This makes me wanna study harder and get a better grade now! Doomsday tomorrow. Release of POM result. =S Damn scared. Although I think I can manage the paper but who knows? Always got good feeling but ended up with a bad result. Like you know, you dreamt that you pass your Math paper but when you get your Math result, you failed and yes, terribly. 

Okay, the other thing is... time passes damn fast today! YAY! I've got this love hate feeling towards school. First is because time passes damn fast and everyday I know that I am a minute closer to meeting Ben. Secondly, I hate it because I am fucking tired. For fuck serious am freaking tired!! I hate the part where I had to walk the pathway to school because its super stuffy and it makes me perspire! Worst, taking the train. Uncouth people. PUI!

I wanna watch TOY STORY 3 3D!! Baby baby!!! This Saturday okie dokie?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Another 5 more days..

I spent these 2 days with him fruitfully.

Hit town to have our lunch on Saturday. Had Ajisen and well, I always regret aftermath. I always thought its so nice and forced Ben to have it with me.. But after the lunch I always feel that it isn't satisfying at all and the soup base is so bland. Argh. I remembered having my first bowl of ramen at Ajisen and it was sooooo nice. What happened? :( The worst thing is.. the tables are so close to each other and I can't help but to listen to the other party's conversation. Vice versa. It was hell bad and you can't help it but to feel awkward while having the ramen. Bad choice and I'm never to dine in at Ajisen anymore.

Went to Kinokuniya and we saw a book of answers. Its called the "The Book of Answers". Fucking lame and bo liao book! You were told to hold the book tightly in your hands and think of a question you wanna ask. Flip the book front and back, put a stop and you'll find your answers. Its fucking stupid la. Spent the next 2 hours at Taka.

Back to Ben's place, stayed over.

Miss him so much now. Its gonna be another 5 days and 2 days again. 4 more months to go. This coming week is gonna be his turn to stay over and we'll make some chawanmushi! Yippie yay! Best still, we'll bake if we can! Hahahahaaaa!

Love you!

My botakhead!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Photo spam with my boyfriend!

Just came back home not long ago and was in a good mood to take some peektures! This explains why the massive spam of my face. Heeeeee!

Anyways, no need guess la! I did edit the pictures! The contrast and all taken by my phone isn't very nice. So I had to do some adjustments to these pictures. Okay, I did not make my nose sharper, make myself flawless,  make my eyes larger and make my mouth smaller. If you wanna see the non-edited version of my face..

Here goes:

I looked so pale and blah~ I prefer the edited version though. :) Looked more radiant and I just feel that it is nicer. Haha!

Had an interview with the VP from UOB just now. Was so nervous and I felt so pressurize. Luckily Nick was there to make the atmosphere not as tense. And, it definitely train me to type faster man. I was afraid that I missed out some points that she said. Denise and Henry was there to help me to listen too! All thanks to them and it made the interview a success! Was so glad that we're half way done. Now I'm left with Econs. 

Ben's gonna book out tomorrow! Yippie yay! I can't wait!! But first, I have to go back to ITE to collect my graduation cert! Damn it. The thought of travelling back to Clementi irks me big time. Arghhh!! I should have gone to the graduation ceremony. Aiya, whatever! After that I'm gonna wait for Ben at CCK mrt station. That will be like... 6pm? :( Nevermind, the wait is worthwhile!

Miss ya boy. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Its a nice and cold afternoon rain

I am supposed to be sleeping now but the thunder woke me and kiki up. He got so scared that he need me to cuddle him now. Poor baby, got scared by the super scary thunder last month and now he has got phobia of thunders. :( What if I'm not home? Poor baby is shivering so badly now. :(

Anyways, I miss taking afternoon naps with Ben. :( Especially when its raining, the both of us would snuggle up under the comforter and sleeep all the way till the rain ends. Really miss the days. FASTER BOOKOUT!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010





Have hair, have no hair


Kiki totally look like a freaking fat white large rat. Of course, he looks better with fur lah! Tsk~ Who doesn't? I mean if humans were to shave their hair off, they will look fugly isn't it? Like y'know, Ben shaved off his hair and look at him now.. Woooo! So handsome. Heh heh, he is an exception! I don't know why. Ever since he enter NS, his complexion is better, his face glows and he became fatter! 

I reckon it was because when he's waiting for his enlistment, he would spend his whole day playing that bloody useless non living thing, PS3. You know, the radiation and whatever harmful rays that emits from the TV and all made him looked restless. The reason for him getting fatter is.. I-don't-know-why. Maybe because of all the starchy ewww yucky food. It definitely doesn't taste like dog food because Kiki's dog food smell so good and I make him nice nice dinner sometimes! You bloody people don't assume that I tasted Kiki's food okie! But really, the food that Ben is having over at that place serves food that is worse than dog's food. 

The good thing that Ben enters NS is he's not lum nua anymore. He's so freaking neat! :( When he came over my place the other night, he was saying that "Eh, your room so messy!!". Wa lao, my room never change at all even before he go NS lah! It was me who was always helping him to clear the mess in his room. Now... hais. Nevermind. Next time he can do all the housework and I'll go out and earn money! Hahahaaaa! 

The bad thing? I miss him so much. :( 

I met up with CY last evening at the circle line platform! So sua ku lor me. :( Lol! Luckily there's signage and arrows pointing here and there to get me to the platform. Eh I tell you, even if there's signage and arrows, some people just couldn't get their ass to the circle line okie! So I'm consider good. HAHA!

Anyways, CY brought me stuffs she bought from Bei Jing and Hong Kong! Yippie yay! Okie, the things she bought from BJ (hahahah, bj?) isn't to my liking la. =X Sorry dear. I gave the chopsticks to my Mom! Hahahaaa! The stuff she bought from HK is very the to my liking okieszz! She bought My Beauty Diary Mask for me me me ME! I've been using their series of mask(I've tried 3 "flavors") since last year. The truffle mask is the best of the best! Been wanting to try the Black Pearl series and she bought it for me as a gift! 

I did the mask last night for 30 minutes. Removed it and massage my face gently to let my skin absorb better. Waited for it to dry and I went to bed. This morning when I woke up, my face feels so smooth and supple! Say yay to nice and beautiful skin! 

Okay, if I were to compare truffle mask and black pearl mask.. I'd still prefer truffle! Reason being, truffle lightens the scars on my face and it hydrates pretty well and of course, the aftermath is super smooth. Don't think Watsons sell truffle mask eh? They only sell the black pearl, bulgarian white rose, strawberry and apple? Not so sure though. Correct me if I'm wrong. :)

So far, I've tried using the Bulgarian White Rose(whitening), Q10(anti-aging), Black Pearl(Whitening,firming) and Truffle(lighten scars/freckles, whitening and regenerating)! I would say, I really recommend MBD. :)

I bought it online for a cheaper price. Heheheee! 

Oh shiat. Why am I even helping MBD to advertise. Whatever. Good things ought to be shared! 

Packaging si beh cute. WHAT ARE U WAITING FOR?!

If only...

If only these balloons can take me up to the sky to old choa chu kang road and I'll untie the strings attached and land myself straight down to Ben's bunk and sleep right beside him tonight.

If only this ever happen, I'll be grateful for the person who discovered helium and something called a ball loon.

Baby, missing you so much..


My friend just made a proposal to his girlfriend today. It was so sweet and I can feel the happiness of them both. Can't wait for their wedding. Heheheee! 

There's so many things that I wanna say. But I backspaced everything. I guess the time is not ripe yet. 

I'm feeling tired.

Love kiki so much. He's like my another boyfriend with a tail. Hahahaa!


Saturday, June 19, 2010

I was in your arms the whole night.

The moment you sit beside me, my heart started pumping fast. 
It was as though, you're my new boyfriend and we just started dating.
This sweetest feeling inside me was indescribable. 
It feels like we're back to 5 years ago, the first time you hugged me. 

Last night, I feel so safe and secure with you wrapping your arms around me.
Was damn bloody happy to see you after 10 days.
You whisper sweet nothings into my ears and it made me glee.
For that moment, I feel that I am the luckiest girl on Earth to have met someone so special and someone whom love me so much like I do.


I was so happy to see Ben walking towards the car yesterday lugging his big bag of clothes and necessities. Although he raise his voice at me on the phone because he's so damn lousy at spotting his dad's car, I didn't even argue back. LOL!

Continue later...
I'm sleepy..

Friday, June 18, 2010

Back to the warmth arms

Ben is gonna book out later in the evening! I seriously can't wait to see him! I survived the 10 days of mental torture. I totally deserve something nice! I don't care.

Anyways, there's surprises waiting for him tomorrow prepared by yours truly! But first, I have to bring my dearest 4 legged boyfriend to the vet for his yearly vaccine and health check up then followed by having brunch myself. AND, meeting CY and her friend at Yishun to get things done! Busy busy!

Hopefully I've got enough time! Schedule's damn freaking tight later on. Have to rush back to his place and then take his dad's car to go fetch him! Shhh.. He didn't know! Hahahaaa!

Okay, goodnight.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

TOO you and TOO me!

Massive spam!

HAHAAA! The dancers at Attica! ;)


Ok bye!

Randomly random

I just packed my wardrobe! Finally!~ Oh my oh my, been wanting to pack it since the start of term break but just couldn't get my big fat lazy ass me to pack it. Now, its finally done, I feel that I accomplished something. HURRAY! Hahahaa! Chehhh, packing wardrobe only what. But you know, early in the morning you wake up and the feeling of searching for the clothes that you want to wear but you can't find and then you shout "MUMMY GOT SEE MY BLACK TOP OR NOT?! BU JIAN LIAO!!" and then she can just shoot you back with, "WO BU ZHI DAO LA! Who ask you cupboard so messy! Don't last minute ask me help you find things hor!". Wa.. I tell you, you will feel so angry and frustrated because you just cannot fucking find the top that you wanna wear and bo bian, have to mix and match to make sure your outfit matches.

I don't know if you girls will make sure your color combination matches you. But I think.. Colours are very important and I make sure its always the safe colours. HAHAHAA! Wa lao eh, you wouldn't wanna wear a bright yellow top with a light pink pants right. =.= On top bright, below must be dull mah! Aiya don't know la. LOL! Up to one's preference! Hehe! And, I've got this habit of before I sleep, I will always plan what to wear tomorrow! So say, you already plan your outfit for tomorrow, but in the morning you cannot find the outift. WA!! Its freeakingly irritating la!

Okay.. I'm feeling sleepy.. :(  & The party last night spells A-W-E-S-O-M-E! My girls were so freaking hot!! Wooooh! Oh my!! Yesssa!

Nap time. Miss Ben lots! 1 more day!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm sorry.

I know you're angry with me.

I know I should not even think about going clubs or pubs without you because I should fucking know I can't hold my liquor very well. Moreover, it's so dumb of me to go club when you're in the army. I should not even have seconds thoughts about it. I'm sorry. If I did not even agree and wanted to go, you wouldn't get angry with me. And we can actually end the conversation in a happy mood follow by a I love you.

The last message you sent me hurts me..

My intention wasn't what you thought of. All I wanted was to have fun with my friends. I'm not blaming you about you getting angry. I know how you're feeling. I know you're worried. I know I know.. I will turn them down..

Guess you're too angry and upset to hear me out now. I called but you chose not to pick up.. I guess no matter how I wanna explain myself is not of help at all.

Baby.. please cool down.

I'm sorry.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Time passes so slowly today

I woke up at 10am. After so much of fidgets, having breakfast and bathing.. Its only 12pm. :( So I decided to watch some HongKong dramas and I eventually fall asleep. HEHE!

Now, look at the time! I slept for 3 hours and poooom its aready gonna be 7pm! I likey! Half day gone.

Baby, I miss you so much. Hope you have fun on your baton training!

Happy 20th Birthday to my fav person.

Happy 20th Birthday to my dearest baby, Ben!

Every year, I would plan this special day for him. Always giving him different surprises. But this year, its different. We didn't get to spend this special day together. :(

Anyways, we'll be celebrating his Birthday on either Friday or Saturday instead. Heeee! Gotta think what surprise to give him this year. 

"You get lots of greetings for your birthday but this one comes to you with all of my love."
 Once again, Happy Birthday my dear. Love you! 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Goodnight hubs.

Ben must be sleeping now. Just sent him the last sms for the day but he didn't reply me. :( Guess he already off-ed his phone.

5 more days to go and he's gonna book out! Oh yay! Seriously I can't wait!! The thought of hugging him again makes me eppy happy! Heheheee!

I'm glad his feet isn't hurting anymore and he's able to do all his trainings! 300 push ups and 140 jumping jacks for his platoon. Damn ke lian luh! Tell me who in the world can do this much push ups and jumping jacks! Poor bb. Told him that he shouldn't feel angry nor give up because these trainings will eventually will be an easy peasy task for him after a few weeks. His body will definitely get immune to these and well, when he do 300 push ups again, it is as easy as ABC! Moreover, a smoker for 6 years doing such hardcore trainings isn't easy. So gotta keep reminding him that he shouldn't give up and have to persevere on. Jia you bb!

Got the urge to share with everyone on how we started dating. But... I feel that its kinda stupid because he didn't woo me at all. It.... just happen so naturally. Haha! We were really close friends back then. Almost talk on the phone and meet up at Zar's or Chun's place everyday after school and during the weekends. Those times... were really crazy and fun! Everyone would puff in the room, cook maggi together, listen to stupid lame songs, squeeze in the small bed and sleep together, dance, video lame stuffs, order mac, celebrate each other's birthday and chill. It was so memorable.. Now, everyone grow up. Some went NS and some went overseas to study. All of us separated except Ben and I. Those were days that I felt happiest the most with Ben and friends.

No don't doubt me about not being happy with Ben now. We're slowly building this little happiness together everyday, bit by bit. No rush, no nothing. Just simple gesture of happiness till the both of us become lao kok kok. Hehe!

I can say, Ben and I really went through a lot of things together. :) Happy times, sad times, angry times. From our early teens to our early adulthood. Time past really fast with a blink of an eye. These memories are slowly fading away.. But I am sure, my memories with Ben and I were always remembered in my heart.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Love this song

Changed my blog song to a Chinese one. Really love this song a lot! :)

Going to HarbourFront later alone. Gonna put lots of songs in to my phone to survive for the ride.


Friday, June 11, 2010


Was at Ben's profile looking through the photos he took. Miss him so much. At least, its better than the days he went Bangkok on April. The days he went Bangkok without me was hell. I suffer from insomnia every night till the very day he was back in Singapore. At least for now, he can sms or call me whenever he is free. YAY! I'm starting to get used to it already. :) I know Ben is still trying to adjust to his new environment so as his girlfriend I should really give him lots of encouragement to help him pull through this difficult phase in his turning point in life. 

Both of us had been chanting everyday for the better of him and us. I should really be thankful that he brought me into this religion. You know, it really has an impact on me. For without him, I would have been so loss in life and nothing will change. I don't wish to bring up my past anymore. For now, Ben and I will be focusing on our goals and our future. :)

Just ended our call 15 minutes ago. Although we only talked for a mere 12 minutes, it really does makes me happy!! Heh. You know, he told me over the phone just now that his instructor asked them this morning if they had seen the "thing". Must be somebody saw "it" thats why the instructor mention about it. OMG LOR! So unsafe and blah~ Really worry about him man. Nevermind, I'll chant! Asked him to keep his beads under the pillow to give him some sort of security! 

Anyway, I really miss him a lot and I want a hug. :(

7 more days! 7!! Persevere!
