Saturday, January 2, 2010


I just changed my specs. Prefer my old one though. =/ Waste money again. For now, I feel like getting myself contacts. But come to think of it, my eyes always feel dry. Aiya, dont know what I want la.

So cui these few days.

I've got something to share. I've been reading this book called "Wonderful Encounters". (Well, at least it keeps me occupied.) It was actually a gift from Lucretia. It was really an inspirational book. Just love how this book set me thinking.

"There are times when you will be in poor physical condition. The more famous you are, the harder your opponents will be on you. You may have to contend with jealousy and malice. Lies may be written about you. You may be dissatisfied with your coaches or teammates. But once you have decided to win, you must do so; you must give your very best and score a personal victory, triumphing over any disadvantages and all obstacles. If you fail to do so, if you give less than your all, then whatever justification you try to give will just be an excuse."

This.. makes a lot of sense. Anyways, I've yet to finish this book. Will continue to source out very meaningful sentences or quotes from there.

In case you guys want to know why I locked my blog, I need some personal space at that very moment. I've deleted the post I published 3 days ago. I guess I'm feeling better? Think so. If not I wouldn't be re-opening my blog again.

Happiness. :)