Friday, January 8, 2010

Update tomorrow.

Trust is difficult to earn and it is easily lost - the trust built over a decade can be shattered in an instant by one offhanded remark or deed. A person who is not swayed from their chosen path, even during the most trying times, will ultimately find that he or she is trusted by all.

I've got quite a few stuffs to update but I'm a busy bee!

NYP open house today is great! Lecturers are extremely friendly and well, most of them did approach me to see if I needed help. It's very nice to see people lending a helping hand. I was quite lose at that point of time because I'm so confused. There are so many courses to choose from. Collected most of the brochures that I'm keen on and went home to discuss it with my Bro (Sis is too tired to even bother about me). He narrowed the courses down to a few and it was all that I am interested in. Oh well, I need more opinions from others. :)

On the other hand, RP open house is a major disappointment. Boo! Don't even wanna think about it and it's so empty!! I am still considering if I should go TP open house to check out on my Verterinary course. I really want to study that course. Ahhhh~ Sigh. Major headache man.

Well, thanks Fiona for accompanying me running here & there to check out those courses. It was really nice. Meeting her tomorrow for a shopping spree. Both of us should really catch up on each other. Haha!

Ben took a MC today because his sighness was pretty jia lat. Went to meet him after my "tour" and asked him to fetch me from the MRT because my bag is very heavy. I almost died carrying the burden on my back. He's being all so encouraging about the courses and all~ So glad so so glad. Just love your companion. You always made my day..

Anyways, I saw someone whom I don't wish to see in my entire life today. I thought that I would avoid or something. But no, I lift my head up high and stare straight. The best thing is.. my heart did not even skip a beat. I guess it's all over? I guess I've forgotten? I guess I've decided to move on with life.. And I'm able to share it openly without even feeling affected at all. It's a good sign & I'm loving it. Because it's all in the past...

Didn't I said that I'm updating tomorrow? Pictures up tomorrow. Lazy to transfer everything in.

