Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My monthly dosage; Karma

Old black framed spectacles, a book, bottle of plain water & a bed.

I need to read every month. At least a book that's borrowed or bought.
It's a very weird habit of me.
When I started reading, it can be super scary.
I'll just read my day away. Holding the book wherever I go.
Be it in the toilet, out to school, when I'm watching tv and whatsoever. The book, will always be by my side.
If I took more than a week to finish the book, it meant that the book content suck.
If you see me completing the book in less than 3 days time, it's highly recommended by me!
Well, at least I know whats a good book and whats not.
I don't read books like Twilight. It has no ending! And I hate it.
I like books that contains a little sexual, love, romance, cheating, faithfulness, sadness, violence & death.
If the book does not meet the above requirements, I won't borrow it.

For instance, recently, I read this book called 'Shanghai Baby'. Lots of sexual moments between the characters. Love and unfaithfulness. Well, it's about China. I wonder how I can actually tahan reading books in regards to cheena. I fucking hate them especially the women! Okay, back to topic. This book brings you into fantasy. Haha! That's all I'm gonna say. Borrow the book if you wanna know more! I'm returning the book back to its golden place, the library!

I'll be happily heading my way down to the library at Yishun this weekend! Hopefully I can get nice books there. The library is very pathetic & small. (N)

Okay doke!

Ben has not been spending his precious time with me! Humpf. Bad boy!
Things has not been going on very well for him. :(
Poor boy. Poor mummy. Poor sissy. Poor hiati. :(
I'll just chant hard for you & everyone that the outcome is gonna be the best.
Nothing is gonna bring you down baby, nothing.
I hate to see you looking so tired & worried.
I hate you being sick. Thats the last thing on Earth that I wanna see.
The topic that we've been chatting about these days is the same old thing.
I know you can't help it & I don't want this incident to affect your performance at work.
I want your smile back like before. I want us to be the craziest couple like before.
I want the you back.
Whatever happens, I'll be there.
Remember baby, Karma's a bitch. He'll meet her some day. Not now, not months but few years later. You'll never know. Keep your faith strong.
Stay strong baby, stay strong.