Saturday, November 7, 2009


It was nearly four years ago when he entered my world. There was no magical chemistry shared, no fairy tale first meeting, it was not a love at first sight moment either. It was simple and realistic.


I'm sick! Yes, I am very sick. I woke up to pee this morning at around 9ish and I went back to sleep till 2ish. While sleeping, I feel that I am almost out of breath and I woke up, panting and taking in deep deep breaths. Decided not to lay on the bed anymore because I think I am sleeping too much.

Ben has been really sweet last night. He kept texting me to ask me to rest well and see a doctor first thing in the morning because he initially thought I had some allergy. I explained to him on the phone while he's on his way home that he should not be fussing over it. Anyways, I am still not feeling any better. I think it got worst. Initially it was just some dry cough. And now, it's flu, cough (with phlegm), sore throat and headache. Good game, all come at once. I'm not sure if I'm having fever though. I lost my thermometer. I can feel the heat in my body.

Moreover, Sis's medicine isn't helping at all. Where's mummy!!!!! Hahahaha!

So, Ben and I will most probably be food hunting on Monday. That is if I have recovered. He wanted to dine in at some traditional chinese cuisine restaurant but I wanted to go NYNY. He has been saying NO to western food because he kept boasting that he can cook it for me. Hahaha! Maybe we'll have Jap food.

2 more days.

Enjoy your weekend!

p/s ss! you're sick too. you take care huh. loves~