Thursday, November 19, 2009


Finally took up the courage to ask my Mom whether does she allow me to bring Butsudan home.. She said she was fine with it but I had to ask my Dad for permission. :( I know my Dad definitely will allow me to take up faith in this religion. But still, I need to seek his permission before bringing the mini Butsudan home. It is gonna be a battle between my courage and me, again.

You see, children in the Ng family are very much independent. We aren't very close with our parents too. Don't get me wrong, I love them. I love my parents to bits. But we don't usually discuss anything with them. So, opening my mouth this time asking for permission is a challenge for me. Because I don't ask for permission and just do things as I wish. Very bad.. But I had to this time.. I feel that it is a form of respect. Period.


I love Mondays. There will be no Monday blues for me me me! Reason being, I can meet Ben every Monday! That''s his off day! Haha. Damn eppy every Monday!

I hate Tuesday.
I hate Wednesday.
I hate Thursday.
I hate Friday.
I hate Saturday.
I hate Sunday.

Anyhoos, I've been absent from school for 2 days. Damn restless for the past 2 days. Cramps killing me big time. Owwhh.

Hehe. Tonight, I'll hear your voice long long long.

Love you working in the morning.


Dinner at Mayim for Dad's post birthday dins yesterday. Damn eppy also! Food there is cheap & nice! My many love for bean sprout with salted fish! Shared roast duck la mian with Sis. Hehe! Bro's gf joined us for dinner. Damn eppy. Hehe. Damn damn eppy yesterday although my cramps are killing and I'm kinda grouchy.

No pictures because I'm friggin' hungry as I did not eat anything at all till dinner. I think am the first to chiong for food.

Pictures on Dad's actual birthday:

Walked around NorthPoint after dins. Good for digesting. Psychoed Sis not to buy Mphosis clothings because the quality suck. After washing for a few times, you can actually just throw away the whole damn piece. Yuck!

Showed Sis what I wanted and.......... its..........

THIS! That I want!!!

Has been eyeing for this for 2 years liao!! Fucking 2 years because it's kinda expensive and I don't really bear to buy it. Since Sis is traveling to HK this December. Asked her to get the duty free one at the Airport. HEHEHEEE!

Feel so bad for not using DKNY apple Ben bought me. I think I used it less than 10 times. A lot of titu using it. Eeeeekkkkkk.

Bye all.