Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Very bias.

I feel that my Mom is bias. :'( Indeed very very bias. BOO! I am very upset about how my mom was portraying herself towards others lor. Hais!

Shits aside.

School has been draining all my energy away from dawn till dusk.

Baby, I miss you so much. Life hasn't been that great lately ever since school has started.

There is nothing much to blog about except for school. So I dont wanna bore you guys out. So, pictures time!


Baby, you have got droopy eyes. :DD


Btw, Baby and I had a very hilarious conversation just now about durian. Lol!

Time passes so fast and it is now 10pm already. 3/4 of the day gone! O.O

Did not accomplish anything for today.

Omg, Jen, you are so pathetic!! :DD Hahahahahaha!