Friday, July 25, 2008

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

Thanks guys for your concern. I have recovered alot tho'! :DD There's still a slight tinge of pain while I am doing my biz but all in all, the pain is bearable now!

I received a letter from ITE stating that my attendance is pooooorr!! WTF?! I do admit that for my LifeSkill's attendance is poor but for other major subjects, I did attend each classes except for once for BFD because I am feeling unwell! And I did get an approved leave from Mr G! @#$%! Whats wrong with this system man?!?!! Gah!

Anyway, today is not a Boyfriend day for me. :( Baby's classmate is having a birthday party later on at TopOne. Had my lunch with Baby, to his place and I walked home myself while he meet Andre at Khatib station. :DD Didnt want to tag along because IDK LEH! Just dont feel like going out. Next time next time, I promise! :)

So! Baby promised that tomorrow is a Boyfriend day with him!!! YEAH! Whole full day. LOVES! :DD

I miss Babyyyy!! SO MUCH MUCH MUCHHH!!

"PIANG PIANG! Counter Terrorist WINS!"


These photos were taken a few days back! Finally posting it up. There's still quite alot of it but am lazy to post. :D

Beloved Boyboy!

BTW!!! Kiki aka Boyboy was nearly hit by an oncoming lorry 2 days ago! Scared the hell outta me BUT he manage to "siam" and TADAH, SAVED! Luckily, he survived if not I would have skipped school that day and cry for the whole day! This makes me cherish him more although I cherish him alot beforehand. So which means I must cherish him 200000x now!

*I will not be that easily to be defeated. :) Dont play any hanky panky games with me. :D

This is a MUST HAVE for me! I've got very dry lips which makes me feel as if I an alien. Shitass. Ya, some girls have dry lips but they chose to ignore it. Total ewwness. So, if you have dry lips, BUY ONE NOW!

Baby, I love you so much! Dont forget what you told me today. Will I reject you? NO! Of course I wont. Dont worry! :D This r/s has been holding on for so long and it will hold on forever. This coming 1st September 2008 will be our 3rd year anniversary. You promised that it will be a splendid one this year. And I am soooo looking forward to it. Been through ups and downs and finally we stand as one again. I am really happy that both of us did not want to give up on each other because we believe that there's more to come by every year. Love ya baby!