Sunday, July 6, 2008

Back here blogging.


I am back here blogging again, after 2 days! :DD

There's so many things to be updated for the past few days BUT there's only pictures for yesterday's outing!! Therefore, I will only be updating on yesterday's trip! :)

Any idea who I went out with on Saturday??

*drums rolling*

Benjamin Lam!

I went out with this Boy and my day was superbly well-spent. :DD CHEERS TO LAMLAM! For the very first time when I am out with him, not single cent wasted on unneccessary stuffs which I always buy for yesterday! Teeeeheeeee! Without even spending a single cent, our day was still as fun as ever! :DD

A snapshot by me, the photographer. :X

Settled ourselves at TheCentral's LongJohnSilvers' for our dins. I was craving for their coleslaw since when I have recovered from my Poxy. Hahahahah! And I finally had it yesterday and I dont think it is very nice tho'. I prefer Yishun's one. :DD But, if I were to compare its crispy chicken to Yishun's one, TheCentral's one taste better. HAHAHAHAHAAA~ Anyways, I find that their potatoe salad is not very nice. You people may want to try it, if you want. :)

Shopped around after our dins and I wanna buy so many many things! But I am controlling lor. If not I'll just pass them my ATM card and kaching~ 30bucks gone~ =.=" Luckily, my tolerance rate quite high if not I would have wave my white flag and bought the blouse I wanted!! I die die gonna get it next week or so. LOL!!

Slaaaaaaaaaaaacked. :D


Sat at this blue lighting place. LoL!!

Asked Baby to stand there~ Lol! Told him to change the way he stand and he dont want to. Forever his leg wide open like a clown. =.="

Anyways, after a few minutes and we left the place and started to walk around and see the citylights after the fireworks! :DD

Walked and walked and walked and walked. Burnt quite a few calories.

The Fullerton Hotel. Baby says he dream to work as a chef over there. HAHAHAHHA!! I'll be waiting!~

We were there where the lightings were a few minutes ago and now we are at the opposite. LOL!

The Fullerton Hotel again. LoL!

Kitty kitty please be careful! HAHAhAHAHAHAHA! Btw, its a fake. :DD

Headed home aftermath after 2 hours of walking. Of course, within the 2 hours of walking we did rest near Esplanade and enjoy the breeeeze. A very nice place to hangout with your girl/boy!

Actually I wanted to bring Baby up to the rooftop of Esplanade but there were policemen everywhere. O.O So we dropped the idea and head home. :) Alighted at Khatib for their finger licking food at the NightMarket. Woooohoooo! Not gonna miss my fav tea eggs for sure!! Bought 4. :X HAHAHAHHAA! 2 for his dad, 1 for his mom and 1 for meeeee!

One thing that I aint gonna miss is its coconut drink! Very refreshing and niceeee!!!

I asked him to pose and he give me this stupid pose. =.="

Baby drink his coconut drink for a few seconds and all the water is gone!! O.O POWER!!

Reached his place and started munching the foood! Yummy yummmmy! And Baby took 2 bites off my tea egg lorrrr!! >:( Knew he would do that because he helped my peel the shell off. Damnit!

The boxerman. LOLOL!

Suck harder. :X HAHAHA! FYI, he WAS drinking MY coconut drink!

Lick it, babeh~ Lol

Ohhhh~ What sleepy eyes you have, my dear.

And... A pic of me!

Dad fetched my home aftermath. :DD

School's tomorrow and I am so not gonna enjoy it lor. SO SIAN! =.=" Bah~ I cant sleeeeep! Luckily Dad's fetching me over to Khatib tomorrow to meet Baby!~ :DD Cant wait to see him till the next few hours. :)

Much loves from me!

p/s baby have you found your keys?