Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I need to sleep after this post. :DD

Idk why I logon to blogger.com and wanted to post something. But when I came to this page, I am lost. O.O


Finally finished editting my PP. TEEHEEEE!

Saturday's sentosa with Baby's friends? WOOO!

AND AND AND! Baby is gonna date me out on Friday. :DD

AND AND AND AND!! My bro just gave my 80 bucks because he got an increment. SHIOK LOR! I dont need save till like hell for our anniversary alrdy! Yippppie! :DD

Btw, I already thought of what I should give Lamlam on our Anni. :)))))

SHHH! Its a secret. Shall go shopping alone this thursday or maybe is there any kind souls out there willing to accompany ME?



Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dickhead. :)

Did I mentioned that I freaking lost my thumbdrive with every single details of my project and assignments and pictures and songs and games and counterstrike that I had IN IT?!?!?!?!?!!!! Fuckeranian!

1. Did I fucking lost it?
2. Did I misplaced it?

Tell me, which is the least possibility out of the 3 possibilities.

Number 2! NUMBER 2!

How would I freaking lost my thumbdrive WHEN my Ipod earpiece is with me ar? Tell meh lehhhh! I need an answer. I still remember it very clearly that I pluck out my thumbdrive without the safety remove mode lor. There is no freaking way THAT left it behind in the lab because I remembered very very clearly that I cap back the cap and twine the thingy and put it lying tgt with my Ipod earpiece which is in my freaking bag!!!!!


Number 1. NUMBER 1!!

If I lost my thumbdrive how come my earpiece is still with me ar? Go use your pea brain to think can?!?!?!?!!! You seeeee!! If lost is lost together one lor. Like both drop out or something and hor, I also never run or what lehh! HOW TO LOSE U TELL ME! I didnt even take it out from my bag after my lesson ended. SO YA LOR!! Ma de.

Number 3. NUMBER FREAKING 3!!!! SAN!!!!!


Took it out from my bag and became the owner of the thumbdrive with my pictures in it. And now, "it" has already started to delete every single thing in my thumbdrive and ZHAN WEI JI YOU. MA DE!!!! Curse your lanjiao drop ok!!! Or if you're a girl, curse your cheebye hole close.


But come to think of it, these possibilities seems like it doesnt tally leh! Then how!!! MY PROJECTTTTT!!!!!! :'(((((((((( I have already finish my WPB project (some editting to be done) and I am already half done with my powerpoint. AND NOW!

EVERYTHING'S GONE! CCB! Freaking pisssssssssssssssssssss.

Heh. Anyway, I think its a blessing in disguise leh~ Hehehehehe. Because my powerpoint project now is wayyyyyyy better than my previous one. AND I HAVE ALREADY FINISH IT LIAO LO~~~~~~ WAHAHAHAHA!

Those who read the first part confirm is "YES! JENNIFER PP IS GONE! WEEE! HOPE SHE FAIL!" right?!?! Then you're soooooo wrong loh! I finish it liao. Neh ni neh ni poo poo! _!_

And I am going to do my WPB project after my PP presentation is over. WAHAHAHAH!


\Q/ cheeeeers!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Life is so fragile...

While I was bloghopping I came across CaiWei's blog and found out that one of her friend had passed on.

I do not know them personally but I have seen that girl who had met in an accident once. So yeah, it was really heart wrenching when I read it.

Reminds me of my uncle recently.. :(

Life's so fragile, you will never know what will happen the next minute or so. So what I am gonna say is that, "Treasure everybody around you."

Idk why, but negative feelings filled me up.

So yeah, take care everybodeh. :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

Thanks guys for your concern. I have recovered alot tho'! :DD There's still a slight tinge of pain while I am doing my biz but all in all, the pain is bearable now!

I received a letter from ITE stating that my attendance is pooooorr!! WTF?! I do admit that for my LifeSkill's attendance is poor but for other major subjects, I did attend each classes except for once for BFD because I am feeling unwell! And I did get an approved leave from Mr G! @#$%! Whats wrong with this system man?!?!! Gah!

Anyway, today is not a Boyfriend day for me. :( Baby's classmate is having a birthday party later on at TopOne. Had my lunch with Baby, to his place and I walked home myself while he meet Andre at Khatib station. :DD Didnt want to tag along because IDK LEH! Just dont feel like going out. Next time next time, I promise! :)

So! Baby promised that tomorrow is a Boyfriend day with him!!! YEAH! Whole full day. LOVES! :DD

I miss Babyyyy!! SO MUCH MUCH MUCHHH!!

"PIANG PIANG! Counter Terrorist WINS!"


These photos were taken a few days back! Finally posting it up. There's still quite alot of it but am lazy to post. :D

Beloved Boyboy!

BTW!!! Kiki aka Boyboy was nearly hit by an oncoming lorry 2 days ago! Scared the hell outta me BUT he manage to "siam" and TADAH, SAVED! Luckily, he survived if not I would have skipped school that day and cry for the whole day! This makes me cherish him more although I cherish him alot beforehand. So which means I must cherish him 200000x now!

*I will not be that easily to be defeated. :) Dont play any hanky panky games with me. :D

This is a MUST HAVE for me! I've got very dry lips which makes me feel as if I an alien. Shitass. Ya, some girls have dry lips but they chose to ignore it. Total ewwness. So, if you have dry lips, BUY ONE NOW!

Baby, I love you so much! Dont forget what you told me today. Will I reject you? NO! Of course I wont. Dont worry! :D This r/s has been holding on for so long and it will hold on forever. This coming 1st September 2008 will be our 3rd year anniversary. You promised that it will be a splendid one this year. And I am soooo looking forward to it. Been through ups and downs and finally we stand as one again. I am really happy that both of us did not want to give up on each other because we believe that there's more to come by every year. Love ya baby!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I am not feeling well, both physically and mentally. :'(

I am down with UTI. _!_

Was in so much pain in school today. Fuck! And I've been tolerating it for almost a day now. At that point of time, I did not know what to do. Decided to see a doctor after OFA lesson. Took a cab to Baby's house nearby clinic. Need not have to wait because no patient. O.O Was wondering if the doctor is experience anot. -.-"

So, took a urine test and found out that the infection is kinda serious. Doc prescribed me with antibiotic and some pain relieve tabs. Feeling much better after taking the pain reliever. And now.. The pain came back again! :'(

Was crying on the phone while talking to my Sis. Didnt know what to do. So she says that she will be coming home tonight to give me some nutrients. Hopefully I would recover by tonight. I dont want the pain to persist, it makes me tired and painful..

Thanks Baby for rushing me to the clinic and running everywhere to find a female doctor for me. Much loves. :)

So girls, please take good care of yourself. The pain is unbearable while you're urinating. :(

*I dont understand why would I be infected by this! I am always cleaning myself with Carefree daily wash. WTH happen!!*

Maybe the product doesnt suit me. :( Shall change to Vagisil instead.

p/s i am afraid to go to the toilet. :S

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Am I a terrorist?

Omg, today was the most splendid day I had ever spent in my entire 4 months in ITE! X)) (this post will be up during the weekend!)

Baby, you'd know I would love and miss you dearly.

Alright, there's some terrorist in school today. The 2 J's. OMG! HAHAHAHAHA!

Baby knocked some sense into me just now. Yeah. He was right, I was never like that last time. Baby, thanks for reminding me that I am not the usual self I am. :DD

And FangChee, thanks promise to meet up with you this coming hols!!
And CY, I hope you read this, please spare some time for me! :(
And Joyce, :)! You know what I meant.

And Baby, when I need you, I just close my eyes and I would touch love. :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

You go, girl!

I know I did mention that I wont be blogging till I finished up my project but just wanted to say that...

Because Karma is a bitch, you will meet her one day.

quoted by Ben's sis.:)

Yes, you will definitely meet her someday.

Angry or Sad?

Didnt know that you will do this kind of things. Total disappointing in you.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dead tired.

Just a short post before I turn in. :)

I am wasting my time away blogging nonsensical things rather than doing on my project! AHHH!!!

This is so bad!

This isnt the way to do things man!

Shall change!
Anws, I wont blogging for a few days till I finish up my project. Self-discipline.

I am tired. :O

Goodnight peepo!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Goo Goo Doll - Iris


This is for you! Hehehehe!

Our fav. song! :DD

Alot of versions of this song, but I think this is still the best!

The lead singer is my type of guy! Abit gay in this vid! But i likeeeeee! *giggles* Btw, if you see other of his mvs HE IS SHUAI ONE LOR! My new love! <3

Im back!!


I am on hiatus for almost a week!! Omg! Hahahahaha!! Oh, tomorrow's officially a full whole week of not blogging! :DD

Anyways, life has been great. Misunderstandings solved with Lamlam! Very happy now!! WEEEE!!!!~~

For the previous days I have been...

  • Studying?!?!!! Nah!
  • Eating?!?! YES YES!! Loads. :X
  • Meeting Baby?? YESYEEESSSS!
  • Doing project? HELL YES! Damn!
  • Shitting? Teehee.
  • Urinating? WOOO!
  • Gossiping?!! *hides*
  • Complaining about school? No? A lil. TEEHEE!
  • Stopped *?? NO! DAMN! No money alrdy! T.T
  • SAW ROY,WEI QUAN!! Omg, Become so skinny liao eh?! Lol!! Talked alottttt!
  • Cooooked? YES! With Baby last evening!
Wahahah! There's alot more la! But I have already forgotten what I had been doing! :XX

Anyways, Baby cooked carbonara and aglio olio!! Awesome man! I prefer agio olio! YUMMY! Carbonara is a lil too cheesy for me. I hate cheesy stuffs!


Baby says he's gonna get me a PSP but I rejected. :) SEE! I am such a good gf! BAHAHAHAHAHA!

Shall I or shall I not?


Ni men zhe xia wang ba dan, chou ji dan! Diu ni ahhhH!! _!_

Monday, July 14, 2008


The times when you taught me to play this song on the guitar...

All changed.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Summary.

HELLLLO!! I am gonna summarise everything!! Because I have got no pictures to entertain you guys. :DD

  • Woke up in the morn , clean up my room and tidy up my table!
  • Bathe, prepared and meet up with somebody which pisses me off badlyyyyy!
  • Met Baby and AhBee(his bro) at Yishun and headed to Vivo.
  • Wanted to dine in at LJS, but dined in at MAC instead! O.O
  • Hunt for Ah Bee's Men's hoodie but couldnt find any.
  • Londsale hoodie is nice, but a lil too ex.
  • Shopped.
  • Shoooooopped.
  • Baby got himself 2 tees. One from Surfer's Paradise (a basic) and one of it from FOX.
  • Back to Khatib.
  • Bought tea eggs! :DD
  • Saw MR CHIA! That Billy Bong. =.="
  • Rest for an hour.
  • Headed back to Yishun MRT to meet Baby's friend, Andre,Sean and Janelle.
  • Walked around NorthPoint.
  • Sean was.. erm.. scolding somebody! O.O
  • Walked to ChongPang for tao huay session.
  • Slacccked. Slaccccked. And slaaaaaccccked.
  • Sean went home. :)
  • Back to Baby's place together with Janelle, Andre and US.
  • Slack again.
  • Went home around 1am+, only me. The rest ton-ed. :DD

A very long day! And I am very very very tired when I reached Baby's place!!

Anyways, I did enjoyed myself yesterday! Phew~

Today is stay home day with my Dad and Kiki!! :DD

And.... My dad will be cooking chilli crabs and curry todayyy!! Yummmmmm!


Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Joyce!

Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can.

Hello all!

Been kinda busy lately and hence there's a lack of updates. :)

Finally weekends are here!!! Omg, I have been awaiting this for a very long time!! :DD

Anways, celebrated Joyce's birthday in school yesterday~~ :D Laughed. Played CS! WOOOOHOOOO!

I've been hooked onto CS and I copied the files to Baby's comp and he was hooked onto CS too! Better than SF! Not lag somemore. SHIIOOOOOK~ When I almost hit 100 kills just now, the server died on me! :( So sadddddddddddddddddddd! Nvm, I shall continue with my pro-ness later. ERK! Hahahahahahaha!

I only find the white choc nice. :X

Birthday Girl and Me! Woooohooooo! Fat fat fatttt!!!! Shitass.

The guy in the middle is called Alexis. Everyone calls him Alex. He is the "Frankenstein look-alike" I am referring to. :X No offence!! But I find him rather cute in his actions la. A compliment! :D

Cut cake lahhh~

The cups I bought her. :)


Btw, I say you say she say WHATTT?!?!


Figure out what I am saying okay?

I HATE the way you look at me. I feel like gorging your eyes out. I think you look nicer without eyes lehhhh!! Wanna try anot?! On Monday I bring spoons to school and gorge your eyeball out to boil soup ok?! Hao bu haoooo?!

HAO LAAAAA! Want to add onion or white pepper to your soup? We cook traditional one ok?

Hehe! _|_ Nah! For you. Dont say I am a baddie. :DD

I think I need 10s of _|_ (this) to stuff to your sai kang (asshole)!


Shopping tmrw? With? IDK!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Very bias.

I feel that my Mom is bias. :'( Indeed very very bias. BOO! I am very upset about how my mom was portraying herself towards others lor. Hais!

Shits aside.

School has been draining all my energy away from dawn till dusk.

Baby, I miss you so much. Life hasn't been that great lately ever since school has started.

There is nothing much to blog about except for school. So I dont wanna bore you guys out. So, pictures time!


Baby, you have got droopy eyes. :DD


Btw, Baby and I had a very hilarious conversation just now about durian. Lol!

Time passes so fast and it is now 10pm already. 3/4 of the day gone! O.O

Did not accomplish anything for today.

Omg, Jen, you are so pathetic!! :DD Hahahahahaha!

Monday, July 7, 2008

It is gonna rain!

Seems like Yishun is gonna rain heavily in a few minutes time!

Od dear oh dear.

I am alone at home with my darlingBoyboy!!

Do check back later either at my blog or at livej.

Most prob it will be on livej!! :DD

I am gonna have some rest before I continue whatever I am gonna do later on..

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Back here blogging.


I am back here blogging again, after 2 days! :DD

There's so many things to be updated for the past few days BUT there's only pictures for yesterday's outing!! Therefore, I will only be updating on yesterday's trip! :)

Any idea who I went out with on Saturday??

*drums rolling*

Benjamin Lam!

I went out with this Boy and my day was superbly well-spent. :DD CHEERS TO LAMLAM! For the very first time when I am out with him, not single cent wasted on unneccessary stuffs which I always buy for yesterday! Teeeeheeeee! Without even spending a single cent, our day was still as fun as ever! :DD

A snapshot by me, the photographer. :X

Settled ourselves at TheCentral's LongJohnSilvers' for our dins. I was craving for their coleslaw since when I have recovered from my Poxy. Hahahahah! And I finally had it yesterday and I dont think it is very nice tho'. I prefer Yishun's one. :DD But, if I were to compare its crispy chicken to Yishun's one, TheCentral's one taste better. HAHAHAHAHAAA~ Anyways, I find that their potatoe salad is not very nice. You people may want to try it, if you want. :)

Shopped around after our dins and I wanna buy so many many things! But I am controlling lor. If not I'll just pass them my ATM card and kaching~ 30bucks gone~ =.=" Luckily, my tolerance rate quite high if not I would have wave my white flag and bought the blouse I wanted!! I die die gonna get it next week or so. LOL!!

Slaaaaaaaaaaaacked. :D


Sat at this blue lighting place. LoL!!

Asked Baby to stand there~ Lol! Told him to change the way he stand and he dont want to. Forever his leg wide open like a clown. =.="

Anyways, after a few minutes and we left the place and started to walk around and see the citylights after the fireworks! :DD

Walked and walked and walked and walked. Burnt quite a few calories.

The Fullerton Hotel. Baby says he dream to work as a chef over there. HAHAHAHHA!! I'll be waiting!~

We were there where the lightings were a few minutes ago and now we are at the opposite. LOL!

The Fullerton Hotel again. LoL!

Kitty kitty please be careful! HAHAhAHAHAHAHA! Btw, its a fake. :DD

Headed home aftermath after 2 hours of walking. Of course, within the 2 hours of walking we did rest near Esplanade and enjoy the breeeeze. A very nice place to hangout with your girl/boy!

Actually I wanted to bring Baby up to the rooftop of Esplanade but there were policemen everywhere. O.O So we dropped the idea and head home. :) Alighted at Khatib for their finger licking food at the NightMarket. Woooohoooo! Not gonna miss my fav tea eggs for sure!! Bought 4. :X HAHAHAHHAA! 2 for his dad, 1 for his mom and 1 for meeeee!

One thing that I aint gonna miss is its coconut drink! Very refreshing and niceeee!!!

I asked him to pose and he give me this stupid pose. =.="

Baby drink his coconut drink for a few seconds and all the water is gone!! O.O POWER!!

Reached his place and started munching the foood! Yummy yummmmy! And Baby took 2 bites off my tea egg lorrrr!! >:( Knew he would do that because he helped my peel the shell off. Damnit!

The boxerman. LOLOL!

Suck harder. :X HAHAHA! FYI, he WAS drinking MY coconut drink!

Lick it, babeh~ Lol

Ohhhh~ What sleepy eyes you have, my dear.

And... A pic of me!

Dad fetched my home aftermath. :DD

School's tomorrow and I am so not gonna enjoy it lor. SO SIAN! =.=" Bah~ I cant sleeeeep! Luckily Dad's fetching me over to Khatib tomorrow to meet Baby!~ :DD Cant wait to see him till the next few hours. :)

Much loves from me!

p/s baby have you found your keys?

Friday, July 4, 2008


STOP copying you MOFO.

Eat my shit can?!?!


Have some sense of originality yo!

I'll be shifting over to livej for a period of time.

Spam me if you want! Most welcome. HERE!

There will be lesser photos on livej and some journals will be locked. If you're my friend, OF COURSE I'll let you read it. Right FC? HAHAHAHA!

Just hate blogging here because everything is so restricted.


Kiki has a hoooodie!

Hello peepos!

I have just transferred pictures on Kiki into my computer!! :DD

Okay, let me be frank. I dont know what to blog about nowadays. Because I have been rushing my project. Lol! I kept doing bit by bit and in the end I drag till today and have not finish whatever that I need to finish! AHHHH! I hope that I will be able to finish everything off by tonight and slaaack and enjoy the last 2 days of my hols!

Good idea eh? LOL!

Oh!! For people who love Kiki, I just upload a video of him giving me his hand! Hahahahahaha!! Suppeeeer adorable! ;) The vid quality suck a lil tho. Sorry about that!

Alright, it will be pictures all the way!


I got a blue hooodie! Kiki also has a blue hooodie! HAHAHAHAHA! Like owner like dogg! :DD Anyways, I bought this hoodie this NewYear for him. Everyone got new clothes Kiki also must have! :DD

Anyways, I miss you so much. Hais..

Gotta go work on my project already!

My target: Finish by today!!!

I die die also must finish by today loh! So that I will be able to meet QQ for the both weekends.

Anyways, QQ today so bad! I wanted to have MCFlurry and QQ said that I cannot have it because .... HAHAHAHAHA!

And I bit QQ's ear today and QQ got angry. :((

Alright, I am off to do my project already!

Awaiting for the best time for today 8am!


I know you guys misses me! :D Just admit it will ya?

I know who misses me the most!! Make a guess! HAHAHAHAHA!

I am hoping that the clock would strike 8am now and poooof, I am out with QQ! He/She my new love! *giggles* I know I have been in a very mysterious state lately. Hahahaha! What to do?! I am very mysterious one loh!


Gotta go bathe and have a goodnights' sleep with hunks (in my dream). LOLOLOL!

Take care everybodehhhhh.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Meeting Q!

I'll be meeting Q later for my brunch! :DD

Finally its daylight. I had a hard time sleeping last night. So scary.. And somebody knocked on my door this morning and it scared the shit out of me. Kiki barked at the door for a full 5-7 mins, in the process of barking, he went to urinate. =.=" And when I went to the kitchen, the pee was splattered out ON THE FLOOR!


I have to clean it lor! SIAN! I think he's too kan jiong liao la~ Always makes mistakes one. Duh!


QJ!!!!!! QQ!!!!!

I fear of...

I think I should seriously get my ass off the chair and start heading to the bathroom for a shower!

The both of them scared the hell out of me when I am at C's place! Omg!!!!!!!!!!

My heart was racing fast and my face turn pale. :S Please, no such stupid things next time round!!!



Sorry, please forgive me. I am toooo scared. :(

Tuesday, July 1, 2008



No celebration for us because he got his class BBQ today! What a timing! Duh! Btw, we dont celebrate monthly annivesary. Hahahahaha! We are only celebrating yearly one. :DD

And I'll be baking shepherd's pie tomorrow!!

There will be pictures to be posted up! Stay tune!