Friday, May 20, 2011

Sensitive skin


I've got make up classes tomorrow and I don't wanna go! :( BY RIGHT AND BY LEFT, I've got no school on Friday. Just because it was Vesak day and they had to push it to Friday for tutorial classes! 2 somemore! 12pm to 5pm some more!

Anyway, I wanna talk about my skin. Yeap that's right. I've been crazily talking about my skin now and then. Can't help it.

I wanna die please. Last week I went to the doctor because my eyes were swollen and itching, my whole body got patches of rashes and it itches the hell out of me. Dr gave me some pills and the pills were supposedly to be finished. But I did not finish it partly is because I don't know where the hell I placed it.

Every now and then I will have these red patches of rashes on MY FACE (bloody idiotic), my neck, my tummy and sometimes MY ARMPIT. Imagine your armpit itchy like crazy!!! Really unbearable. Ben saw how itchy I was once. :( Tak boleh tahan okay!

The places where I circled and arrows pointing are the places that always have my rash. 


Everytime when I have it, I will be damn moody and itchy all over. Sometimes it even lead to some other areas which I don't wanna say much. Sigh.. What shall I do? I don't know. This only happened after I worked at Tang Tang. TELL ME HOW. 

I really don't know what to do man. :( Sigh.. 

Okay, that aside. You know, the wonder of flash....

Can... Almost.. Cover the flaws! HAHAHHAA!




What to do with my sensitive skin! Don't tell me to go dermatologist! I not so rich ah. Sigh. Some times, I really think that make up is a woman's saviour. So hehe, guys, don't be shocked when your gf has a face like mine when she remove her make up! 

I'm not perfect and I have my flaws. 

FYI, my face still itch a little now. Not as bad as noon time. 

Ciao people. I hope someone can guide me through this. Thank you!