Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fast5; Kiseki; Redhead


It was a good week this week except for the bloody weekends that I have to work and the swollen eyes I've got. Other than that, everything is superb! Although this week the time spent together with Ben is very little but somehow I enjoy being alone. Haha! Couple always meet will get sian one leh.

As usual, FRIDAY IS A NO SCHOOL DAY! Went town to catch Fast5! It is really good!!! I can't wait for F&F6 to come out. I think the story continues eh? Lol!! Anyway, it is really good and I caught it at Lido. First time there and well, so-so lor. Ben was like so happy to be lido. BUT! The screen is really huge. Bigger than the normal ones like GV. Can go try try ah. OH and their popcorn is really cheap lor. Sigh, makes me feel that GV popcorn is extremely overcharged. :( Me is a loyal fan of GV leh.. So disappointing..

Kiseki for dinner and it is like damn yummy! Affordable too! Eat till damn full and go home lao sai all out. Lol!

And now comes the part.... Where... I finally colored and trim my hair! Yippie yayyy!

I'm the redhead yo~

Didn't regret at all. Hehehehehe! And heh, look at my new watch! :P Love it lots. Used my hard earned money to buy! Heheheheh! 

And what makes me even happier is that I received compliments that my hair look good on me!! Mad happy cuz when I first saw my hair color at the salon my reaction was practically this O.O . Am stun. I think real life more red. Aiya, whatever la. I like it can liao and now my hair very difficult to maintain. :( Nvm! I will try my best to maintain it. Hehehehe! So I think for now.. I'll always keep red hair. Hahahahaha!

One thing that makes me damn upset was my lips were like becoming blacker and blacker lor.. :( I hate it. I know I know.. Don't tell me to stop. It's getting really difficult. Sigh. 

School tomorrow and it pretty much suck.