Sunday, October 17, 2010

A good ol' week.

It was an awesome week spent and sadly, it is coming to an end. :( Last four days of my hols is really a blast! Met up with FC and had Sakae. Went over to her shop and accompany her till it closed. Haha! Chitty chatty so much stuffs!! The both of us can really relate to one each other! Zar came back from Aussie and we went Lau Pa Sat for dindin and later on Nana for some drinks on Friday. Hehe! Saturday is a shopping day and it was superb! Fatty came over and meet Ben and I. Talked so much stuffs and the both of them really made my day. We laughed non stop, its really non stop! Went over to Parkway Parade, Toby's for dindin. The place where they used to have their attachment as a chef. Their food is superb!!!! Had 2 plates of hot wings, shepherd's pie, spicy marinara and pork pizza. For their dessert, its the bomb! I forgot the name but its actually ice cream in brownie and then covered with meringue - burnt. Not really to my liking coz its a little too sweet for me. Today was just a normal day spent with Ben over at his place. Talked quite a bit about so many stuffs. So glad to have him because he taught me so much stuffs!!

The arctic bombshell if I'm not wrong.

Anyway, it is really a nice place to dine in. Their food is really tasty and you'll crave for more everytime! Trust me, it is definitely worth the money! :)

School. It will be the 2nd semester tomorrow and I wonder how it will go about. I chanted for a smooth semester ahead and everything will all go well. :) Its time to get busy again! One thing I dread is the pathway to school coz its a killer. Hot and stuffy like fuck. Confirm perspire like siao. Moreover, the weather these days aren't really good.

Another 5 days again.