Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My daughter.

So.. I went to some random strangers blog and they went to a website to morph their baby! So I decided to try it out and heh heh!

So.. If Ben and I were to really get married, this is how our daughter will look like! Freaking adorable isn't it? So now, it makes me think twice about having a baby. You know, I always hated kids (not babies) ageing from 4 to11. Hahahahaaa! Especially those freaking annoying in the MRT and always love to make a scene.

Looking at the morphed child.. Okay.. Wait a minute.. Is it a son or a daughter?

I just morphed another photo of us and it turns out to be.....

HAHAHAHAHAHA! This picture look more like a girl leh! The previous picture I reckon.. is a boy? Because if I were to compare side by side..

Left look like boy and right look like girl! Right right??? Anyways, I think both of them got my mouth, my eyes and the shape of my face. Whereas the nose... LOOK LIKE BEN'S. Fat and round and ugly. Eeyer! Jiat lat lah! How can the nose look like Ben's?! You see, can see the nostril so clealy! Jit tao button nose. I hate button nose! Look like mine will be good what! Nice, small and straight. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 

Aiyoooo! So ke ai and piao liang! Buay tahan leh! I wanna have a baby now! LOL! AND! Why my girl got pa jiao eyes ah?! Ka na sai~ Morph also don't know how to morph properly. 

Alamak! I wanna have a baby so badly now. Better turn out to be as cute as this.. If not, something must be wrong. HAHAHAHA!