Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I just reached home an hour ago when my lecture actually ended at 9am. 

And fuck it, just let me rant. I'm so tired and my brain is temporary not functioning. 

Anyway, I woke up late and I rushed to school and managed to sit in for the lecture for just a mere 15 minutes.  My butt didn't even warm the seat and the lecturer said "Okay, that's all for today." FML seriously. The worst thing is, he will take everybody's attendance, be it those who attended or those who did not. Totally what the fuck because I was expecting myself to go up to him and asked him to take my attendance. There he goes with that fucked up sentence. Tell me earlier next time, I will skip your lecture. Please be kind to people who are deprived of sleep. TYVM.

Talking about sleep. It has been so long since I actually sleep in till early afternoon. FYI, I can sleep as long as 12 hours per day. I know, die early. Good what. Live so long for what. The longer you live the more agony you get because as time goes by, many people around you is slowly dying. I'd rather be the first few who die and let the rest of the people who love me to have the agony. Hahahahaha! Evil. So me!

Aging aging aging. Everyone is slowly aging. Sigh. With a blink of an eye, you're 25. Blink again, 30. I'm already 20 and I see no good future ahead of me. Jiat lat. How? 

Ben always tell me that he will give me a blissful life ahead. How blissful? I'm not doubting his ability but... we have to take into so many considerations. We're not born in a wealthy family. If one day, we're so lucky and with our good fortune, we will earn big money. That will be fucking good. But... What if we don't? Parents no longer can support us because its our turn to be supporting them. Count those kids lucky that they are born with a silver spoon. You guys better fucking cherish whatever you have. Not saying that those who aren't born in a rich family do not have to cherish whatever they have. It is you guys that you have to cherish more because the things you get is hard earned. :) 

Okay, all these aside. I'm hungry! 

& I don't wanna re-module! :(

I miss Ben and 1 day more to seeing him!!!! Friday faster come. Kuai dian kuai dian!