Sunday, May 2, 2010

We're different!

Click to enlarge!

Today is the 2nd of May! Which means... It's my dearest sister birthday! *throws confetti in the air* Last month has been a very emotional month for her. So, I hope this month will be a very fruitful, happy and free from worries month for her! /hearts Happy Birthday dearest Sis. Love you many!

Will be having a simple celebration later in the evening. Bro's gonna drive us to Geylang for dim sum later!! YAY! Heard that their dim sum is superb there! Can't wait. Gonna skip lunch so that can eat more later! Hehehe! Can't wait to eat siew mai, har gao, zhu chang fen and so on! Teeeeheeeee!

Pictures taken last night when we went Partyworld with Bro! Partyworld pics will be up next!

It was Bennifer's 4 years 8 months Anniversary yesterday. It's always the every first day of the month. I think the both of us had totally forgotten about it. =S It was always the yearly anni that we're looking forward to.

1 month more and Ben is gonna be enlisting soon. So fast! :( Feeling a little sad but yeah.. I know this is inevitable. Well, I'm sure the both of us will be able to pull through this NS shit. :)

Oh! Did I even mention about school? 2 words: It suck. I'm still struggling to adjust into this new environment. :( Moreover, it's really tiring to carry the laptop to school with such thick lecture notes. Needless to say, I don't even understand a single shit what the lecturer taught. BUT! That's what tutorials are for! Clarify! So now, I understand already! Mad happy and it really made me put my mind at ease. I was so worried lor!! 
