Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Be like a wise old owl.

I'll be staying over at Ben's place today. 
It's time to spend some quality time together.
I think he can't wait to hug me & kiss me on my lips. That's a vice versa.

Don't miss me too much. I'll be away for a week or so. 
Determined to finish up my AIT project by next. 

Till then.


My second most mwaks mwaks animal! 


Touch up?

I was wondering, should I touch up on my sparrow? 
The colour is fading like don't know what like that. 
Super ugly now!
Ya ya, I did this little sparrow for only a 100. 
What do you expect?
Great work? -.- Tsk!

This sparrow very nice hor? :(
This one, freshly out from the ink. Bet the color will be a little dull few days later.
Why mine is so ugly!!!
Jit tao one heaven and one hell. Boohoooo!
If you asked, did I regretted putting this tattoo?
My answer is NO. :)
It meant something to me. I can remember everything vividly.


Si bei sad, my tattoo so ugly. Cannot fight la!
I think I should really save up and go find a good tat artist to help me save my little sparrow!

So many things to do, so little time. Find me time!!!!
So many things to buy, so little moolahs! Find me moolahs!!!!
The more I think about my ugly tat, the more pek cek I am. 
But I think... Mine is not considered the ugliest la hor? I got see some people their tat is really cannot make it one. Hehe! Maybe the person's sparrow too nice liao. Actually mine is nice, but his is very nice.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

I don't like this PARticular system that we're having.

I... just dislike cheena women. NOT ALL. But sadly, MOST of them.
I would fucken kill them if I'm given a chance to.
They are just so.... cheap.


I've got all reasons to hate them vehly the much. It's a kind of hatred that will never change.
If my Bro marry that women. I will cut off all ties with him, NOT.
Seriously, I... don't know what to do. T.T I don't want my nephew/niece to call me Ah Yi in their fucken irritating accent. I'll 1) die laughing or 2) ignore.
I don't want to get myself to be related to them although I know my Ah Gong comes from China. But still, I'm born here and I'm glad I do not have that fucken irritating accent.
AIYA, WHATEVER. I just got a problem with them.

And yada yada, I KNOW. Don't have to remind me that all of the women behaves like that/is like that.
It's the majority YOU SEE. Tell me, which mistress isn't from their country?!

And men... Use their dick to think. Pathetic.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My monthly dosage; Karma

Old black framed spectacles, a book, bottle of plain water & a bed.

I need to read every month. At least a book that's borrowed or bought.
It's a very weird habit of me.
When I started reading, it can be super scary.
I'll just read my day away. Holding the book wherever I go.
Be it in the toilet, out to school, when I'm watching tv and whatsoever. The book, will always be by my side.
If I took more than a week to finish the book, it meant that the book content suck.
If you see me completing the book in less than 3 days time, it's highly recommended by me!
Well, at least I know whats a good book and whats not.
I don't read books like Twilight. It has no ending! And I hate it.
I like books that contains a little sexual, love, romance, cheating, faithfulness, sadness, violence & death.
If the book does not meet the above requirements, I won't borrow it.

For instance, recently, I read this book called 'Shanghai Baby'. Lots of sexual moments between the characters. Love and unfaithfulness. Well, it's about China. I wonder how I can actually tahan reading books in regards to cheena. I fucking hate them especially the women! Okay, back to topic. This book brings you into fantasy. Haha! That's all I'm gonna say. Borrow the book if you wanna know more! I'm returning the book back to its golden place, the library!

I'll be happily heading my way down to the library at Yishun this weekend! Hopefully I can get nice books there. The library is very pathetic & small. (N)

Okay doke!

Ben has not been spending his precious time with me! Humpf. Bad boy!
Things has not been going on very well for him. :(
Poor boy. Poor mummy. Poor sissy. Poor hiati. :(
I'll just chant hard for you & everyone that the outcome is gonna be the best.
Nothing is gonna bring you down baby, nothing.
I hate to see you looking so tired & worried.
I hate you being sick. Thats the last thing on Earth that I wanna see.
The topic that we've been chatting about these days is the same old thing.
I know you can't help it & I don't want this incident to affect your performance at work.
I want your smile back like before. I want us to be the craziest couple like before.
I want the you back.
Whatever happens, I'll be there.
Remember baby, Karma's a bitch. He'll meet her some day. Not now, not months but few years later. You'll never know. Keep your faith strong.
Stay strong baby, stay strong.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

To you.

I know it's gonna be a different life for you now.
I know all the burden that you'll be going through in the near future.
I know you feel upset about what happened.
I know you're afraid that everything will be gone in a split second.
I know you need securities.
I know, I know. I know everything that you're going through. Every single little things.

I'll be there, always.

If you need me to wake up at 3am in the morning because something's happening, I will.
If you want me to be there for you, I will.
If you want me to be on the phone for 24/7, I will.

I promise you what you said last night.

Life's never easy, you have to pull through. You have to.. I know it's gonna be a nightmare for everyone. Be strong..

Friday, January 22, 2010

Check and checked.

What happens when you accuse your man of cheating?

Quite often when a man is a cheat and you confront him, his reaction will be completely over the top. He may accuse you or being completely insane and having a dirty mind. The reasonning behind this is to make YOU feel guilty for raising this issue and fearful of doing so again, and of course to make you doubt yourself.

Cheating Man: Top 10 Signs of a Cheating Man
A cheating man can only hide his cheating ways for so long before he gets caught. The longer a man cheats, the higher probability he will get caught. In this busy day and age, it is difficult to carry on more than one relationship. However, with inventions like the internet, accessibility to willing partners has become easier than ever. There are various ways of how to tell if your man is cheating. We have listed the top 10 signs of a cheating man below. How to know if your man is cheating? If your man exhibits any of the below, it may be time to take a closer look.
1. Spends less time with you. A cheating man must use the excuse of working long hours, extra meetings and dinners or other unexplained functions so he will have time with his 'other' woman.
2. Isn't as affectionate any more. Your sex life is almost non-existent because of his other commitments. He doesn't want to cuddle, watch a movie, hold hands or do many of the touchy things he used to.
3. He changes his physical appearance. A cheating man usually starts buying new clothes, gets a new hair style or begins working out because he wants to be attractive to the other woman in his life besides you.
4. Car changes. The passenger seat in the car has been moved or there is an unknown hair on the car seat. Perhaps the radio station is on an irregular station because that's what she likes.
5. Cheating man becomes more short-tempered because of the guilty feelings as a result of the infidelity. Things that usually did not bother them suddenly start bothering them.
6. A cheating man may smell of perfume, smoke or alcohol, especially if he hasn't had time to change them from meeting with her.
7. Behavioral changes. A cheating man frequently becomes defensive when questioned about his whereabouts. He may turn it around to accuse you of being insecure, possessive or snoopy.
8. Cell phone changes. A cheating man can not leave his telephone turned on when with you because his other woman may phone him. He may leave the room to have a telephone conversation or say strange things after he picks up a message from his lover. Watch for calls in the middle of the night. If you have access to his telephone bill, check it closely. Look for repeated unknown numbers, times and durations.
9. Computer usage changes. A cheating man may utilize a computer to seek out partners or communicate with. If your man is on his computer for long periods of time at night and he closes the door so you won't see him, he may be communicating or chatting with his love interest.
10. Changes in spending habits. You can tell if your man is cheating if he is suddenly always broke. He's broke because he is spending all of his money on the other woman. Watch as to whether he is paying with cash and making more frequent ATM withdrawals to cover his paper trail. Check any receipts, bill's or stubs that you may have access to.

Once you know if your man is cheating or not, make sure you have a plan of action that you will take after you accuse him. You need to decide whether it's time for you to move on or whether this relationship may be worth a second chance.

Haha, so, is your man cheating on you?
No, Ben is definitely not cheating on me. I'm just curious about all these cheats and adultery!
Sometimes, you need an answer to everything. Ya? Yes.

You know, there's this device now that can actually track your whereabouts by dialing your mobile number into the device? Something like that. I don't know how it goes about. But it's all about tracking. Yeap!

Study time. Gonna spend my day wisely today because I'm damn busy during the weekends. Bahhhh! No time to study at all. So much for nua-ing.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Back front back.

I've got lots of things to rant.
I backspaced all of them.

Livej or Blog?

I'm contemplating between LiveJournal and Blogger.

15 minutes pass...

Another 5 minutes..

A minute...

30 seconds..

Alright. Nice one.

//Nvm, it's okay. I think I like blogger more. :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.


I love Mondays. Especially today.
Love his companion.
Love the long walks back home.
Love the funny jokes we cracked.
Love the laughters.
Love the conversation.
Love the very weird topic no other couple's would want to converse.
Love fagging together. He one mouth, I one mouth. It... Just tasted so sweet. Yum.
Love the breeze.
Love the sunset we saw acknowledged behind my place.
Love the unrealistic topic we shared.
Love us talking about staying together and whatsoever.
Love his everything.
Love these 4 Years 4 Months and 17 Days.

& I saw Chun today. He looked so different! I was wondering who is this person waving at me while riding on a bike.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


"Good relationships balance over time. This means that at any particular point in time, the relationship may appear quite unbalanced: One partner may be more nurturing; one may be more needy; one may be providing all the financial support, etc. But if both partners are loving, understanding, giving, dedicated and flexible, then the relationship can handle all kinds of ups and downs, and still be strong, exciting and, yes, romantic. The best relationships are well balanced. Not a delicate balance; not a static balance- but a dynamic ever-changing balance."

Overdue photos; Jan

Tie hair/Don't tie hair?
Haha, sorry if the color contrast of the 2 picture is diff. Because I set my phone mode to daylight. :)

Everything depends on what is in our hearts. If we decide to ourselves that something is impossible, then, consistent with our minds in thinking so, even something that is possible for us will become impossible. On the other hand, if we have the confidence that we can definitely do something, then we are already one step closer to achieving it in reality.

5th January 2010;

Ben & I settled our lunch at Bakerzin, my treat for lunch. Mmmmm, their pasta is really nice lor! I don't like Pastamania liao! Hahahahaa! Took a train down to Boon Lay, went JP to take a cab to Jurong Bird Park. Went to the Hollywood Dino, walked 15 mins and thats the Dino Tour. Like seriously, wtf. No wonder its so empty. I can even count the dinos with my ten fingers. Pathetic. Wasted our time & money. Boo!

Mushroom Aglio Olio~


I kpo, went to touch the dino and got soft soft feeling one leh~ HAHAH!

The super small volcanoe. Like WTF?!

Quack quack quack quack quuuuuaccccck!

Anyways, fuck you Hollywood Dino. Your website's description isn't what is happening in real life. YOU BIG TIME LIAR FUCKING GO EAT SHIT! Pui. BodyWorlds is much much muchhhh better than your stupid useless piece of exhibition. I bet you're not earning much. And seriously, it is fucking boring and your staffs are like woodblock. Ha ha ha, this is a joke. It's the lousiest exhibition held in Singapore EVER. This is making me LMAO! Period.

For you people who thought of visiting this exhibition, don't! You will probably die of boredom and suffer a cardiac attack because 1)waste time 2)waste money. I'd rather you go visit Jurong Bird Park which is just next to the exhibition. Go see beautiful birds and stuffs like that. It'll definitely be a much more happy experience than that. Trust me.

Watched Avatar on the very same day. Not nice leh! -.- Okay la, it's not a fantastic kind of movie nor a lousy one. I know the graphics are nice and is very surreal. But, wait.. Don't you guys get dizzy when watching it? I feel very uncomfortable and it makes me spin. It's too colorful la. -.- Initially wanted to catch the 3D one. But heng ahhh~ Tickets were all sold out. Save my life man.

Cabbed back to Yishun for our extremely late dinner at Xin Wang. YAY! Porridge!

My fish porridge.


Har gao~ Love love love it!

Home sweet home.


Just a random thought.

I don't feel like going to Poly anymore. Moreover, there isn't a 100% guarantee that I'll get a place there. Sigh. I hate this shit. Everyone is now putting high hopes on me because well, I did well in ITE and my GPA is eligible to apply Poly. But.. I'm afraid I can't cope with the stress and it will be a whole new environment again. Although, in my heart I will very much want to get in a local Polytechnic and prove to everyone that I can actually study, but something's stopping me.. I don't know what it is. Even if I've found an answer to this, I will will not like to accept the fact that I'm actually afraid of some things.

Just let me sort out my thoughts.

And IF I got a place in Poly, I'll fucking head back to NVSS with the piece of paper and point straight at the VP.

"Hey! Look at this piece of shit! I've gotten a place in Poly you stupid old woman!"

Super shuang feeling.

That old faggot who looked down on me while I am retaking my O's. Fuck you bitch. FYVM.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Update tomorrow.

Trust is difficult to earn and it is easily lost - the trust built over a decade can be shattered in an instant by one offhanded remark or deed. A person who is not swayed from their chosen path, even during the most trying times, will ultimately find that he or she is trusted by all.

I've got quite a few stuffs to update but I'm a busy bee!

NYP open house today is great! Lecturers are extremely friendly and well, most of them did approach me to see if I needed help. It's very nice to see people lending a helping hand. I was quite lose at that point of time because I'm so confused. There are so many courses to choose from. Collected most of the brochures that I'm keen on and went home to discuss it with my Bro (Sis is too tired to even bother about me). He narrowed the courses down to a few and it was all that I am interested in. Oh well, I need more opinions from others. :)

On the other hand, RP open house is a major disappointment. Boo! Don't even wanna think about it and it's so empty!! I am still considering if I should go TP open house to check out on my Verterinary course. I really want to study that course. Ahhhh~ Sigh. Major headache man.

Well, thanks Fiona for accompanying me running here & there to check out those courses. It was really nice. Meeting her tomorrow for a shopping spree. Both of us should really catch up on each other. Haha!

Ben took a MC today because his sighness was pretty jia lat. Went to meet him after my "tour" and asked him to fetch me from the MRT because my bag is very heavy. I almost died carrying the burden on my back. He's being all so encouraging about the courses and all~ So glad so so glad. Just love your companion. You always made my day..

Anyways, I saw someone whom I don't wish to see in my entire life today. I thought that I would avoid or something. But no, I lift my head up high and stare straight. The best thing is.. my heart did not even skip a beat. I guess it's all over? I guess I've forgotten? I guess I've decided to move on with life.. And I'm able to share it openly without even feeling affected at all. It's a good sign & I'm loving it. Because it's all in the past...

Didn't I said that I'm updating tomorrow? Pictures up tomorrow. Lazy to transfer everything in.



Thursday, January 7, 2010

Long time.

Even married people were once strangers. Therefore, without patience and the effort to understand one another, things are likely not to go well. We need patience in order to become happy.

There are many who dream about experiencing happiness without the patience. But that is a dream. And a dream is just that--a dream, a fairy tale. It is to wish for a childish, easy life. This illusion breaks up many marriages. The pursuit of such happiness can only make one miserable.

It is important to make the effort to calmly construct something together. From there, real love develops. Real marriage is when you have been married for twenty-five years and feel an even deeper love than you did when you first met. Love deepens. Love that does not is merely on the level of simple likes and dislikes.


School started & I'm dreading it!!!

I really really dislike going to school. Sigh. If there's some motivation that keeps me going, I think I'll be very grateful for that.

RP open house tomorrow~ NYP open house tomorrow~ I was wondering should I go TP open house? I'm really keen on enquiring them about the Veterinary course. I've checked their web and they don't wanna take in ITE students for that. It's all direct admission. Sigh.

My cousin will be accompanying me to the NYP open house tomorrow. Really need to thank her for it. If not, no one will accompany me already.

Not interested in blogging anymore.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Photos; Attica

Steph, Steph (my pri school friend who used to sing Blues Clues theme song tgt with me in class, haha), Me & Sis.

Steph (pri sch friend), Me & Sis.

Steph, Their Friend, Steph

Steph (pri sch friend), CY!!, Steph, Me, Sis and Their Friend.

High liao high liao~~

The 2 prefects in Secondary school. WAHAHA! :P

Definitely will return to Attica again. Although the first time was... er... me backing out because I got wasted. Neeeeways, Ben allow me to club liao. So I'll club without worrying. HEHE!

It's a fun night!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Candle jar

"It is senseless to blame others or your environment for your miseries. Change begins from the moment you muster the courage to act. When you change, the environment will change. The power to change the world is found nowhere but within our own life."

Okay, I get it now.

Sooooooo.. I was out in the evening with my parents & bro. Drove to Tampines Ikea to look for vases. Human traffic everywhere! Mood killer!! Finally found the desired vase that my bro want. And I bought myself a candle jar, cranberry flavored! Yummeh~

Went to Sembawang Rd there to have yong tau fu~ Omg! I think I'm not suitable to dine in at those places. It's very.... filthy? Idk~ But their food is nice. I just can't stand the old building and everything! Arghh.. Am not returning there anymore even though the food is nice.

School's reopening tomorrow and I'm dreading it. I don't think I can even wake up on time just for that 8am lesson! Been sleeping like 2am, 3am kind of time! If I can't wake up tomorrow then I won't be going to school anymore.


Don't neglect your purpose of life.

"If you are neglecting things you should be doing, forgetting your purpose in life because of the relationship you're in, then you're on the wrong path. A healthy relationship is one in which two people encourage each other to reach their respective goals while sharing each other's hopes and dreams. A relationship should be a source of inspiration, invigoration and hope."

How many of you are forgetting your purpose in life because of the r/s that you're in?

I bet many of us did.

I bet many of you girls out there will die for your boyfriend isn't it? Without him, you're as good as a corpse. Laying on your bed, staring into blank spaces, refuse to eat & lose your ability to do anything. Right?

If being with your boyfriend made you realised that you're forgetting about your purpose of life. Think again. Is your boyfriend worth you losing your focus on everything? Seeing him everyday isn't your purpose of your life..

Good luck. :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I just changed my specs. Prefer my old one though. =/ Waste money again. For now, I feel like getting myself contacts. But come to think of it, my eyes always feel dry. Aiya, dont know what I want la.

So cui these few days.

I've got something to share. I've been reading this book called "Wonderful Encounters". (Well, at least it keeps me occupied.) It was actually a gift from Lucretia. It was really an inspirational book. Just love how this book set me thinking.

"There are times when you will be in poor physical condition. The more famous you are, the harder your opponents will be on you. You may have to contend with jealousy and malice. Lies may be written about you. You may be dissatisfied with your coaches or teammates. But once you have decided to win, you must do so; you must give your very best and score a personal victory, triumphing over any disadvantages and all obstacles. If you fail to do so, if you give less than your all, then whatever justification you try to give will just be an excuse."

This.. makes a lot of sense. Anyways, I've yet to finish this book. Will continue to source out very meaningful sentences or quotes from there.

In case you guys want to know why I locked my blog, I need some personal space at that very moment. I've deleted the post I published 3 days ago. I guess I'm feeling better? Think so. If not I wouldn't be re-opening my blog again.

Happiness. :)