Friday, February 29, 2008


Jennng is a happy happy and satisfied girl today! Although I woke up at freaking 7.30am today! Baby called me woke me up to bathe and meet him. :(

But nevertheless I still enjoy my day with Baby!! Hahah!

Went over to Clementi ITE with Baby today for his interview which is at freaking 10am! Omg, the travelling part can die man. SO SIAN LOR! I wonder how am I going to survive when school starts. I think I will dread going to school already! Yeah, so he was accepted by the school and which means he is in the same school as me!! YIPPIE! But we're both in different course. :( But its okay, at least I know someone is in the school as me! Hahahahaha!

We left school at around 12.30pm and off we go to IMM for our brunch! Went one big round to MOS Burger. I LOVE LOVE LOVE their corn soup man! Its superb!! Especially its super pepperish and I love pepperish stuffs. Heh! Told baby that Im gonna get some stuffs from Espirit and yeap! I got myself a new purse and belt. Its super cheap can!! Thanks Fiona for reccommending me! Hahahaha! 2 items cost less than 50bucks! Normally the price for each item will cost around 30odd or more for 1 item ok! Like my purse the exact price would be $69.90 but I bought it only at $29.90! Super cheap right!! Lol! Im not gonna say my belt's price cos I dont want people same belt as me. LOL!!! Hannah, SELFISH! Even Baby say my belt is nice. Actually 2 weeks ago I wanted to buy a bag from Espirit. But when I went there today, they changed their stocks already! Super sad can!! That bag is really nice lah. Regret that I didnt buy that time. :( But anyway, its over. At least a new purse and belt makes me happy! Hahahah!

Alrighto. This post is long. See, I told you Im happy and ssssaaaaaaaatisfied. :)