Friday, February 22, 2008

Alright. I've got something super pissed to say today.

Yesterday while I was surfing the net, something irks me to play SF. So I double click on the icon and it pops out a little window asked me to type in the password. I was like WTF, when did I ever put password on the computer. So, I tried once again. But to no avail the same thing happens again. I was fucking pissed off at that point of time. So, I calm myself down and I took TheSims2 cd from the cd rack, put in the disc and THE SAME THING HAPPEN AGAIN! *(@&(^#*@

I stared at the comp for a couple of minutes and I finally sort out what had happened. :) My fucking cb brother locked the comp. He doesnt want me to play any games other than surfing the net. Hoho! So which means I cant play any games. And you know what! He fucking track down what I had done IN the comp. Makes no sense eh? Im a girl and what for I fucking surf porno webs for?! -.-" WTF RIGHT! Omg, it was as if I had a dick with me and while I surf porno webs I fucking masturbate.

So now, other than blogging its just blogging. FUCK LARH!

Fuck MICROSOFT who created parental control. Kiss my ass pls!