Thursday, February 28, 2008

I've got something very important to say today. :)

THE JI TERRORIST HAS ESCAPED! Omg, so scary can! Later he come my house and ... kill my Kiki because he's a malay and they hate dogs and they think dogs are dirty! :( How can they think that dogs are dirty? They are such clean animals! Although they only bathe twice a week. It doesnt mean that they are dirty animals! Hahaha! Okay, crap. But I hope he will get caught soon because it bring danger to MY LIFE MAN! Hmm.. no no, it bring danger to everyone's life. KNS KNS KNS KNS!

I've been hooked on RestaurantEmpire lately. Its such a fun game lor! Should go buy lah everyone! So, as I've been hooked on RE which means my daily life now is all about RE AND RE AND RE! Nothing else. :P

Baby is gonna take his result slip, o/n level cert and testimonial later with his gay friend Zar. -.-" And Im gonna wait for him at home for his arrival. :)

p/s CONGRATS BABY FOR THE ENLISTMENT! And good luck for the interview tomorrow altho I'll be with you tmrw! (must show ppl i care mah.)