Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New life.

A new phase of life is starting soon.

I'm so not ready for it. You know, there are many things that I need to consider. Because of that I've been chanting regularly hoping that every thing will go as smoothly as possible for me. I'm damn afraid and worried that the same thing will happen again. I know, this type of thing cannot be prevented. But.... Sigh. Whatever it is, I need to be sincere. Shan Lin told me once, treat the people around you with sincerity. Yes, I need to be sincere. 

IF everything is smooth sailing right from the beginning, we cannot become people of substance and character. By surmounting painful setbacks and obstacles, we can create a brilliant history of triumph that will shine forever. That is what makes life so exciting and enjoyable. In any field of endeavour, those who overcome hardships and grow as human beings are advancing towards success and victory in life.

A person of few words is likely to have far more substance and depth than someone who talks just for the sake of hearing their own voice! Someone who takes action swiftly and effectively is a great deal more trustworthy than someone who is all talk. Of far greater importance than whether one is quiet or talkative is whether or not one possesses rich inner substance.

EVEN though we embrace faith in the Gohonzon, things are not suddenly going to improve without any effort on our part. When we break through our deadlocks with daimoku, when we encounter yet another seemingly insurmountable wall and conquer it with faith - each time elevating our inner state of mind a little further as we do so - we will steadily but surely grow into "great trees" of truth and wisdom.

ELOQUENCE basically means power of persuasion. Verbosity is not the same as eloquence. It is often said that salespersons who speak awkwardly get better results than those who are fast talkers. Being persuasive does not come from smooth talking but it is a matter of the overall degree of trust others place in you. If you cannot gain the person's trust, you will not be truly persuasive or eloquent.

YOUTH should never be swept away by superficial fame or materialistic greed. Youth should not have the mind of an old man who cunningly manages to pass hard work on to others and seeks only personal gain. Justice, courage and passion constitute the lifeblood and privilege of youth.

Very meaningful. I've not been reading much on the daily guidance ever since my life has been going uphill day by day. Anyway, I should really keep up with the daily guidance from Sensei Ikeda. It is really motivational and always set you into deep self reflection mode. I always love self reflection. Many things I do always reflects part of me.

Its past 12am and my medicine has not taken any effect yet.

Okay. I think I should really turn in now because I need to collect my enrolment package tomorrow from NYP at 11am. Then to ICA to collect my passport. Then maybe some shopping with Ben. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. For the past few days, my cough has been a killer.
