Monday, April 26, 2010

Back on track.

My soon to be policeman!

Couldn't imagine Ben is going to serve the nation in a month's time! Gonna miss him like shitz for the 10 days! Anyways, he's lucky to be posted to Police Force. Which means, he can have more time for me rather than him being posted to Army. YAY! 

It is the 2nd week of school tomorrow and I'm still not getting used to it. I suck in adjusting myself to the new environment. Me getting so blur and forgetful about so many things! FTS! I hate to forget important things. Read through the lecture notes and did the tutorials just now. It is still manageable. Tutorials can never be a last minute work as it requires you to think and explain about those theories. Fucking sian. I did mine so last minute! Whatever la! 

Had tau huay last night with Ben and Chun! Yummmmehhh~ Couldn't believe that they are all gonna be enlisting soon..

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Words of empathy.

If a person is hungry, we should give them bread. When there is no bread, we can at least give words that nourish.
There's so many things happening since last week. Today's the worst. It ended everything and brought agony to everyone of us..

Although it wasn't someone that I am very close to.. Gone. Yes, I hated him. So much. For bringing so many downs into this family. So many unhappy stuffs kept arising since I was 15 because of him. He brought in so much trouble to us. But, as I gradually grow up I realised, it was nothing. We're still a family, still happy. I stopped hating him and looked things in another perspective. And.. The hatred is gone.

He's too young to be taken away.

I'm lost.

I want to help, but I don't know where or how should I start. I want to make you feel better. Seeing you stopped and collapse on the floor hugging Mom makes my heart ache. I stood there and tears keep flowing down. I know, this isn't the time for me to be crying, but I just couldn't help it. I feel for you. Sigh.

Guess its time to move on.

He'll be watching over you and will definitely light the path ahead for you.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

If you remain sincere in your interactions with others, you will naturally come to find yourself surrounded by good friends.
I guess I wouldn't have much time to update anymore.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My lovely new gadget!

Took this using my laptop's cam. Like lousy only. Was testing how lousy/good it is. 
A lot of noise in the picture. :( 
Anyways, yeah, I got a laptop! Finally!
I've been using desktop for the past years. Now, finally gotten myself a personal lappie!
Mad happy. 
Thanks Mom and Dad for that!

You guys must be wondering what brand did I buy. 
I bought.... Lenovo!
I've got a hard time choosing between Asus and Lenovo. 
I ended up choosing Lenovo because of its appearance.
I shan't deny that Asus comp specs are better than Lenovo's. But I want the appearance to be nice also mah~
Both their weight isn't a prob because it's only 1.6kg. So yeah..

I lost 3kg! Wahahahahahahaaaa!
Don't ask me how! I did not go on any diet at all. 
The only thing I changed is I'm eating more greens. Thats all!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

5 more days left.

School's starting soon. Don't like! Sigh.

Just checked my timetable for my course.

Monday: 11:10am to 6pm
Tuesday: 11:10am to 5pm
Wednesday: 8am to 12pm
Thursday: 10:10am to 5pm
Friday: 10:10am to 12pm

Sian lor~ Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday duration so long. :( I thought Business Courses timetable very good one. How come mine like a bit shitty ah? -.-

1 thing good about those timings is that I need not have to go to school during peak hours except for Wednesday. Haha! No peak hour = no human traffic = got seats in mrt! And, the best thing is... I'm staying at Yishun! LOL! Shiok dui bu dui! & the best thing is... My sis's work place is just beside my school! Hahahahahahahaaa! Can go home with her lor! Weeeeee~

Oh yeah, my sis told me that even though we're staying so near, we still need about an hour to reach because we have to take a bus out to the MRT station. Hmmmm... Ok la, reasonable also.

Orientation this Thursday. Omai~ The thing I dread the most. Whenever I thought about it, I very kan jiong and my heart beat damn fast. I suck in making the first move and making new friends.

I miss CY. :( Why! Why you wanna go to Beijing today! No one to hear me kp about my orientation. Sigh. I vehly scared and hum ji now.

I wanna go back to primary school and stay there forever.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bad temper >:(

My temper is freaking bad this week. I've been throwing all sorts of unnecessary tantrums at Ben.

I've got so many things to do yet the time is ticking so fast. I ought to always remember, time waits for no man.

& I need some space. I can really feel the pressure coming in. I lost my appetite, I'm sick and whats more? I am gonna be in a brand new environment soon. So new, so unfamiliar that I feel like backing out at this moment. Just an hour ago, I said this under my breath, "早知道不要去Poly".

Pieces and pieces and pieces of paper have yet to fill in. I know nuts about this stupid enrolment thing which makes me go crazy.

In fact, I was on the verge of giving up. 3 working days to get everything done and be ready to mail it out by Friday, just in case things got screwed up. Deadline is on the 12th. Many people will be rushing to pay their fees and go for their medical checkup within this 3 days, hence, the crowd is definitely inevitable. Tell me, is this how things go? So little time and yet confirmation of this and that from whichever financial scheme or whatever needs 2 working days to get things done? Yes yes yes, time management. When you got everything under your hands, things will not be screwed. Bullshit!

Tell me, how many times have you thought that "Aiya, won't so suay one la~ Everything will be okay one!" and the next moment, things got fucking screwed up and you're like one kan jiong spider jumping here and there not knowing what to do?


I know I am stress over nothing. It's just this tiny weeny bit of things that I do not understand and I make a big fuss out of it.

I smell no independence in me.

Whatever it is, I've already fill in the papers and is ready for submission on Friday. My Bro's my savior.

Next, orientation. I wonder how am I gonna survive but I'll just pull through till 6pm and head straight home.

I think I'll just end my ranting. I just ate my medicine and I need to rest.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New life.

A new phase of life is starting soon.

I'm so not ready for it. You know, there are many things that I need to consider. Because of that I've been chanting regularly hoping that every thing will go as smoothly as possible for me. I'm damn afraid and worried that the same thing will happen again. I know, this type of thing cannot be prevented. But.... Sigh. Whatever it is, I need to be sincere. Shan Lin told me once, treat the people around you with sincerity. Yes, I need to be sincere. 

IF everything is smooth sailing right from the beginning, we cannot become people of substance and character. By surmounting painful setbacks and obstacles, we can create a brilliant history of triumph that will shine forever. That is what makes life so exciting and enjoyable. In any field of endeavour, those who overcome hardships and grow as human beings are advancing towards success and victory in life.

A person of few words is likely to have far more substance and depth than someone who talks just for the sake of hearing their own voice! Someone who takes action swiftly and effectively is a great deal more trustworthy than someone who is all talk. Of far greater importance than whether one is quiet or talkative is whether or not one possesses rich inner substance.

EVEN though we embrace faith in the Gohonzon, things are not suddenly going to improve without any effort on our part. When we break through our deadlocks with daimoku, when we encounter yet another seemingly insurmountable wall and conquer it with faith - each time elevating our inner state of mind a little further as we do so - we will steadily but surely grow into "great trees" of truth and wisdom.

ELOQUENCE basically means power of persuasion. Verbosity is not the same as eloquence. It is often said that salespersons who speak awkwardly get better results than those who are fast talkers. Being persuasive does not come from smooth talking but it is a matter of the overall degree of trust others place in you. If you cannot gain the person's trust, you will not be truly persuasive or eloquent.

YOUTH should never be swept away by superficial fame or materialistic greed. Youth should not have the mind of an old man who cunningly manages to pass hard work on to others and seeks only personal gain. Justice, courage and passion constitute the lifeblood and privilege of youth.

Very meaningful. I've not been reading much on the daily guidance ever since my life has been going uphill day by day. Anyway, I should really keep up with the daily guidance from Sensei Ikeda. It is really motivational and always set you into deep self reflection mode. I always love self reflection. Many things I do always reflects part of me.

Its past 12am and my medicine has not taken any effect yet.

Okay. I think I should really turn in now because I need to collect my enrolment package tomorrow from NYP at 11am. Then to ICA to collect my passport. Then maybe some shopping with Ben. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. For the past few days, my cough has been a killer.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Universal Trip Singapore - 31/03/10

Rides can be longer.
Waiting time can be shorter.
Attractions can be more.

Overall, it's a really fun trip!
Ben and I was dead tired after the trip and we can't wait to get home.
Really enjoyed ourselves and we feel like a kid. 
Trying every attraction rides. 
Anyways, you don't see many Singaporeans there. 
Oh, their food suck.
It's all burgers, hotdogs, fries and can drinks. Although there's a chinese restaurant there, I bet it's gonna be expensive.
They sell dim sum kind of stuffs.
Aiya, don't know la~
It's up to one's preference. 

I really really like the Gingerbread man! Didn't buy it. :( I wanted the pillow one but it's damn expensive la!

Not as crowded because we reach there at 11.15am! YAY!

Betty Boop! The watch very nice lor! Freaking 50bucks la! :(

That day is a cloudy day! Double YAY!

Our first ride. It's a Party-Go-Round! Damn cute!

I rode this. -.- I wanted the zebra one lor! Argh!

Ben's ride. Hahahaa! 

Hehe, giraffe so cute!

The Ogre's toilet or something. Damn cute. I thought can open the door but can't. Haha! The steps are really huge la!! 

Look damn awkward here because many people looking at me for I don't know why la! 

Queuing for the mini roller coaster ride! It's called Enchanted Airways.


Fav donkey!

Before this picture is taken, we went to the Shrek 4-D Adventure. It's a little boring and long winded. Probably kids would love it. But the uncle sitting beside me keep laughing and laughing and laughing throughout the whole show. Lol. 

Look like you leh, Ben~

Fairy Godmother's Potion Shop!

Even the rubbish bins are so nicely decorated!

Our next destination!

Break time!


Took this while queuing for the Canopy Flyer! Damn fun but scary! HAHAHAHA! I think I'm the only person shouting la. HAHA!

Dino-Soarin next!

We took the green dino! His favourite color. Anyways, our dino won't go up one leh. The kid in front of us keep going up and down. Like fun only. It's a boring ride la. LOL! Anyways, it's for kids. So ya.. This explains the boredom.

Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure next! Hell fun and fun and very fun man!! Love this ride! & hehe, we shared this ride with people from China and Er... Another 2 boys are Caucasians. Damn shiok. Like multi-racial harmony hor. LOL! The ang moh boy very handsome lor! /faints

Neh~ the 2 people from China. The lady in white and her daughter. & hehe, the shuai ang moh in red in front of them!

Oh oh, you gotta be careful when you step onto the platform to get into the "boat". Lol! The platform is moving and it's wet. 

Before we proceed to the Waterworld, went to have some hotdogs and drinks. Damn hungry.


The stuntman. LOL. Funny la him. Ka jiao ka jiao only~

It's a VERY BORING SHOW LA. And the place is freaking humid. No air ventilation! If you wanna waste your time, please go there for their show. 

Ancient Egypt next!

HOT HOT HOT! Woooooh~


The entrance to Revenge of the Mummy.

I TELL YOU AH! This is the scariest ride and I scream my lungs out for this man! You will hear me, "Ahhhhhh!! No no OMGGGGGGGG!!!! AHHHHHHHH!" for the whole ride. Damn scary!! The worst thing is, its pitch dark inside and you can't see whether it's gonna go up or down lor! 

Went to the Treasure Hunters after this ride. DAMN SIAN LA. Another kid's ride lor. -.- Go one round then no more liao. Somemore their 1 round is so small and pathetic. 

Sci-Fi City

It's closed.

Last stop, New York.

My fav strawberry shortcake!

Charlie Chaplin!

Went to Mel's Drive-In for dinner.

Can see the very shag face coming out liao. lol!

The huge burger. Not nice. It suck.
Left the place right after our dinner. 
Bought myself a donkey mug. DAMN CUTE! Love it!
Left the place around 5.30pm~

Took the skytrain back to Vivo and bus home. 



Thank you Ben for the awesome trip! Hahahah. Very eye opening leh! We will definitely be visiting Universal Studio Singapore again!
