Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I miss you guys...

Like any other kind of love, friendship can be lost within our lives due to neglect or anger or, sometimes, simply circumstances. However it is lost, we often lose a part of ourselves that can never quite be recovered.

That was me 2 years ago. My life suck to the fucking core when this picture was taken when we hang out over at Zar's place. Everyday after school walked the extra mile to his place because all of us needed our nicotine badly. When it rains, we would run through the park like some crazy mothefuckers shouting & whatever shit that you guys can think of. Talked about everything under the sun with these bunch of awesome guys. Boobs, asses.. Whatever you name it..

I miss those times when we skipped school and hang out at Zar's place.
I miss those times when we drink at his place.
I miss those times when we're bored, we would go over his place to chill.
I miss those times when we watch horror movies and shouting like idiots.
I miss those times when our life were very screwed to the max but we enjoy every moment of it.
I miss those times when they piggyback me.
I miss those times we would all hide under the blanket and play shits things.
I miss those times when you guys cracked fucked up jokes.
I miss those times when we would all snuggle up behind the blanket and sing songs.
I miss those times when the room is neon blue in color and everyone is super high.
I miss those times those loud music were playing throughout the whole night.
I miss those times when they left me crying behind while they were walking in front.
I miss those times when they were there for me.
I miss those times when I first got drunk that night at their chalet.
I miss those times when we were laughing our ass off when Dai did stupid things.
I miss those times when you cycle me home.
I miss those times when you guys cheated while playing ban luck because I kept winning.
I miss those times when we set unrealistic dreams.
I miss those times when always order MAC in the night.
I miss everything of you guys..

Things changes. I really do miss those times. Sigh.

I've not met you guys for a very very very long time.. :(

I don't know whether to be happy for you. Seriously.. I really don't know. I felt as though I have lost as a friend. So far away from me and Ben. So far away...It has been 2 years. 2 years you left. And now.. The decision you made will change everything forever and ever.

It is not gonna be the same anymore.