I love my eye makeup today! Shimmery gold and dark dark purple. The purple is almost to the color of black. Yeah! Loooove it! For the bottom, I used dark purple and shimmery white. :D
LOL! I am getting sick of the navy blue color. So I decided to have a change of colors for my eyes. :D And my MAC strobe cream is gonna finish soon. Bahhhh~ Means.. I have to spend money again. Sobs. Why am I a girl.
Everyone says I look tired. Am I? Actually I do feel exhausted. I have not been home for the last weekend and this week. I just come home to sleep and in the morning, I am out again. The worst thing is I reach home almost midnight everyday. Just like staying in a hotel.. I need to stay home and accompany KiKi already. Poor little imp.
I went over to CY place yesterday. Awesome! <3
I am gonna rest my eyes now. :)
Rest well everybodeh~