Sunday, May 24, 2009


The nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other people.

-Lucille S. Harper

As promise, I will be posting up random pictures, KiKi, myself, Ben and foooood. I must admit that I hate to post pictures up because I need to resize and edit some of the photos. This suck!

Anyways, I met Ben last night. He sort of pampered me. And well, I decided to meet him. He sent me home in the night around 11-ish. Thats all. And, I laugh a lot last night again. Hehehehehe!

Well, enjoy.

The day together with Ben over at Sakae (Yishun):

My all time favourite, Chawanmushi!!!!! Yum Yum Yum! Makes me wanna eat again. Hahahaha!

My VANS shoe:

I should really thank Joyce for buying me a red VANS shoe! THANK YOU, GIRL!

Few days ago, my Sis & I bought something online! A clip which can enhance your -. It totally works! Hahahahaha! Anyways, it maintain your posture and so on. Quite a few benefits from the clip. Most importantly, we got it for 19.90 for 2! Moreover, I receive the clips 3 days after the payment was made. Not like some other blogshops. I had to wait for nearly a month for my item. Absurd. That blogshop, totally cannot be trusted man. And I feel that the person is quite rude. Shooo~ Go and learn some service skills la!

Both the Sisters is happy to receive this envelope with the clips in! Yippie!

Photos of boy boy:

Thats all!

You know, sometimes I feel that if you got nothing to do, don't find any unnecessary things to do. Find something useful to you, me or anybody else. If you really want to find all sorts of unnecessary things to do, please do the unnecessary things properly. You said that I can speak whatever is on my mind. But seeing how you treat others who speak whatever is on their mind, make me don't wanna be frank with you. Know why? Because that person will be dumped into a very terrible state. Me, Jennifer, don't wanna be dumped into this fucking terrible state. It suck. I feel for the person. Poor thing.

But, this has got nothing to do with me. So I feel that I should keep my mouth shut. Till when? I don't know. But hopefully I will just shut my mouth till everything comes to an end. Hope that it will be quickie cuz I feel that my patience is to its minimum already. Sigh.


When is it gonna be a fair treatment? When is it that humans will stop prioritizing humans? I bet it will be. The longer I spend my time with different people, the longer I dread about them. This isn't the way I see life as it is. This isn't.. I thought, life is beautiful life is great. Until.. when I see people behaving differently with their utmost terrible character, I changed my mind.

I've seen too many stuffs with great affection, till I became heartless...

Note to self: Do not self pity.