Sunday, May 17, 2009


I've got hell lots of photos to be uploaded. Say approximately around 20 photos. :X HAHAHAH!

The weekend is gonna be over soon. OMG! Time passes so fast~ Damn sian about this man! Bahhh~ Anyways, my Sis & I were hooked on Glamour Age and Sorority Life! LOL! Damn funny. You see, my Sis's comp is in her room whereas mine is in the living room. And, the both of us were like exchanging views on how to improve and so on.. I think my Bro was a little fed up cuz we were practically raising our voice. LOL!

A random shot I took~

I am missing this guy here. He's working today over at Hilton. Bahhh~

Alright, the photos below are photos that I randomly took or I have taken it a long time ago. LOL!

Hmm.. Whats this??

It was actually Canale's choc cake!!!! The box is chio lor! The cake is actually quite small but but BUT!! A small little piece is enough already! The choc is very rich and the taste is very unique! I like I like! I super love this!! Wa.. I am salivating now.

This one also very nice. LOL! But, one for $1.60 consider expensive leh~

This was how KiKi look like when he knows I'm going out. Hahahaa~ Super sad face.

Blahhhhhh~ I am lazy to resize and upload pictures already! :D Pardon me for posting up so many overdue pictures. LOL!
