Saturday, May 30, 2009

Am famish!

I am feeeling so hungry right now! Bahhhh~
Waiting for Sis to bring my dinner home for me!

Finished all my Kinder Joy Soo Sian bought me!
Shared it together with my parents.
My dad so cute la when he's eating the Kinder Joy.
Am glad that she like the macaroons I bought for her. :)
Bring you go eat Canele one next time! :D

Brought KiKi to Mount Pleasant for his vaccination.
Like finally!
Have been missing his appointments for 2 times.
Vet says he's healthy and he should stop eating too much. :X
HAHAHAHA! My fatty boyboy! He's like 7kg now!!
And I'm gonna buy his his toothbrush over at PLC to brush his teeth!!!

This little fatty here scratched my hand this morning!

Miss Ben!


Friday, May 29, 2009


Sometimes.. It is just a simple little gesture which makes my day.
It is always good to have a goodbye kiss.
2 days more and it will be our 3 Years 9 Months!
How time flies and yet I am enjoying every single moment with him.

Thanks Ben Ja Min. :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Really thank you guys.
For without you guys for me to rant about anything, I think I would have kept it to myself till ....
After so many shits you did to me, I am still smiling!
One fine day, I think I will POP! like a balloon!
Just one fine day..

Anyways, I am happy today!
I left school early today together with SooSian cuz we've finished set C of the paper!
Met Ben over at LJS with Louis.
Took a bus and home-d.
Ben came over to my place~~~~


So.. Ben bought this for me! :D

Awwww.. Boyboy loves my pinky too! Wahahahaha! Super adorable!


Anwyays, the other day, I went out with SooSian to Bugis then to Iluma. Had PastaMania for our lunch. Yummmmo! But BUT! Their Aglio Olio isn't up to my expectation. I think.. I can cook better than them. HAHAHAHA! So yeah, I had fun with this very funny + adorable girl here. Couldn't even imagine that I walked till my leg become numbed. :X Although we bought nothing and both of us are dead beat. But I enjoy myself much much~ Hahahahahaha! Next week again! Gonna buy things this time! Yippie!

Girl, we must take nicer photos this time round! And, thanks for being there too! Loves!


So on Tuesday~~~~~ I met up with my darlings! CY&FC!! Lovelovelovelovelove! Bestest ever best people I met. So.. I met them at Sun Plaza. Went up to the library to look for them. :D Had our dinner over at PastaMania (like again). Lol! Ooooooh, in case you guys don't know, I loveeeeee pasta! I always ask Ben to cook my pasta but he's ALWAYS lazy to do so. Ben, must cook paste for me ok?! Hahahahaha!

Super candid shot. I look guai lan here. LOL!!!!

Dearest FC! :D

OMG! I got cock eye here. WAHAHAHAHA! Stupid CY, candid shot of me again! Kns!

Headed back to Yishun for some dessert! Yum yum! Im lovin' it! Hahahahahaha! With them, good food comes first! And most importantly, I enjoy their companion. :) I know I have been repeating this for umpteen times. But still, I need to tell you guys that... They understand me the most. Realistic + funny. FC always is so supportive of me scolding people bitches. (Some are really fucking damn bitchy.) HAHAHAHA! On the other hand, CY always give me wise solutions and so forth. All in all, lurrb them! :D

So.. We headed over to Bakerzin to have our dessert. :D I think we chitty chatty from 6pm all the way to 9.45pm. :X

Super yummo! I forgot the name. I think its croupe cheesecake! I loooove the crust. :D

THIS IS REALLY NICE!!!! Steam milk with rose. Awesome drink! *slurp* Smells very nice and taste yummo! I really would recommend this when you're over at Bakerzin! :)

Note: Pic above is not edited. F480 works wonders. Hahahahaha! Don't need what DSLR la~~~~ :X

All in all, I've been enjoying my whole of this week. :) Glad that friends are with me and so on.. You know, you don't need a whole lot of friends to be your friend. Sometimes, a few will do. Like me!

When is our next meet up?!?! HUH!! CY&FC!! :D


I finally met Ben yesterday. :D Skipped ERP lesson. Omg, feel so guilty. Hahahahaha! Went over to CWP to meet Ben&friends for lunch. Louis ah~ Forever so funny. AHAHAHAHA! Headed over to the library for some research and chitty chatty. LOL! Guys are guys. Actually, I like guys friends more than girls. :D I mean those casual friends. Chatted about some farting incident and Louis and me laugh till peng sia! LOL!! Bth!!!!

Puff and home we go!

Not forgetting...

Congratulations to Sean&Cat for the engagement!! :D


Monday, May 25, 2009

A tinge of sadness.

It might be a bad omen.
But I know, I can defeat it.

I don't understand why I am so gullible at times.
Damn it!
If only.. I am a little more than alert...


Where is my necklace????? :'(

I am super duper angry with myself. But I wouldn't cry like other girls lah. Crying and sobbing through the night. LOL! That's stupid. But, I do feel sad. I mean, Ben got it for my Birthday. It has got a meaning to it. Sigh..

He says he's gonna buy me a new one. But.. It isn't the same anymore. Oh well~

Blame it on my carelessness. Damn it! AHHHHHHHH!!!!

Anyways, I am glad that I am improving day by day. :) That is something to be cheered for. Hehe. And, I'll be meeting CY and FC tomorrow after school! Yay!!

I want my necklace back...................... :(

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I always feel full.


The nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other people.

-Lucille S. Harper

As promise, I will be posting up random pictures, KiKi, myself, Ben and foooood. I must admit that I hate to post pictures up because I need to resize and edit some of the photos. This suck!

Anyways, I met Ben last night. He sort of pampered me. And well, I decided to meet him. He sent me home in the night around 11-ish. Thats all. And, I laugh a lot last night again. Hehehehehe!

Well, enjoy.

The day together with Ben over at Sakae (Yishun):

My all time favourite, Chawanmushi!!!!! Yum Yum Yum! Makes me wanna eat again. Hahahaha!

My VANS shoe:

I should really thank Joyce for buying me a red VANS shoe! THANK YOU, GIRL!

Few days ago, my Sis & I bought something online! A clip which can enhance your -. It totally works! Hahahahaha! Anyways, it maintain your posture and so on. Quite a few benefits from the clip. Most importantly, we got it for 19.90 for 2! Moreover, I receive the clips 3 days after the payment was made. Not like some other blogshops. I had to wait for nearly a month for my item. Absurd. That blogshop, totally cannot be trusted man. And I feel that the person is quite rude. Shooo~ Go and learn some service skills la!

Both the Sisters is happy to receive this envelope with the clips in! Yippie!

Photos of boy boy:

Thats all!

You know, sometimes I feel that if you got nothing to do, don't find any unnecessary things to do. Find something useful to you, me or anybody else. If you really want to find all sorts of unnecessary things to do, please do the unnecessary things properly. You said that I can speak whatever is on my mind. But seeing how you treat others who speak whatever is on their mind, make me don't wanna be frank with you. Know why? Because that person will be dumped into a very terrible state. Me, Jennifer, don't wanna be dumped into this fucking terrible state. It suck. I feel for the person. Poor thing.

But, this has got nothing to do with me. So I feel that I should keep my mouth shut. Till when? I don't know. But hopefully I will just shut my mouth till everything comes to an end. Hope that it will be quickie cuz I feel that my patience is to its minimum already. Sigh.


When is it gonna be a fair treatment? When is it that humans will stop prioritizing humans? I bet it will be. The longer I spend my time with different people, the longer I dread about them. This isn't the way I see life as it is. This isn't.. I thought, life is beautiful life is great. Until.. when I see people behaving differently with their utmost terrible character, I changed my mind.

I've seen too many stuffs with great affection, till I became heartless...

Note to self: Do not self pity.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

It's cold.

It's cold today.
The drizzle just didn't want to stop.

I am suppose to be meeting Ben today.
But, he made me super pissed earlier on.
I am looking forward to the surprise that he said that he will be giving me.
But on second thought, I think I don't want to meet him anymore.
But, deep in my heart I want to know what surprise he is gonna give me.
Shall I or shall I not?
Lets just see how he is gonna pamper me for the next few hours.
Then, I'll decide whether to meet him or not.

A cup of hot choc would be nice now.

Ciao people.
Enjoy your weekend!

p/s pics would definitely be up tomorrow! i promise!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Thanks Soo Sian for the Kinder Joy!!!!!!
I'm so happy, I'm so glad~

Blog again tonight. Need to do assignment now!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Back tomorrow.

I couldn't believe that I asked my Mom to read me the Chinese words on the Net. Ctrl + (+) Ctrl + (+) Ctrl + (+) Ctrl + (+) Ctrl + (+).
Wish me lucks for tomorrow's event. :S
Super scared sia.
L-O-L. I dont know why scared what.
But am just scared.

Pictures will be up tomorrow.
Yet again, it might not be tomorrow.

And and and and and!!
Congratulations to Ben for passing his FTT!
Wayyyy to go boy!

Alrighto. School's 8am tomorrow.
I got very very huge eyebags liao!

I want some Kinder Joy!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009



A short update for today!

Went to look for Ben today in the afternoon to sort of "support" his fund raising thingy. Felt a little sorry that I did not buy anything from them cuz I was late for lesson. I'll definitely support them tomorrow! :D

Sakae-ed today. Eat till I feel like vomiting.

OMG! Miracle happened! YESYESYES!!!

And I love Ben's companion! Can't wait for his birthdayy! :D

Ben always make me happy. I like people who make me happy & laugh a lot.

Update tomorrow or on Fridat. :S

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Weak stomach

I think I've got a very weak stomach. And this suck.

School is starting at 1pm tomorrow. Super sian la~ The more they start school later, the more I dont wanna go to school man. You know, dreaaaaaad. Especially when I can just lay down on my bed and day dream all afternoon.. I have to get up, wash up and head out. Worst, TO CLEMENTI! I hate the journey to school because I feel that Clementi very stuffy. Anyways, its okay. Learn to tolerate and things will be better.

No doubt, I gotta call Ben now and have our every night nighty chat before I close my eyes and start a brand new day. :)

Nights everyone!

p/s cy, text me if you need me. i'll be there for you 24/7. that's what friends are for. :) love you.


Monday, May 18, 2009

The very basic.

Okay, I just changed to a basic template for my blog. Seems so neat & nice now. Cooool~

And, I have forgotten all about HTML codes and I think I need time to figure out all the codes again. Tsk~ I think those codes I've returned all of it to my Lecturer. Bahhh~ 

Hence, just bare with it for a while. :) Maybe you can just tag by clicking on the word "comment"at the bottom and leave down a message IF YOU WANT TO. No one is forcing you. 

Alright, I need to head to bed now.

ps the PHP codes is a killer too! i've installed everything but nothing seems to work. damn it!!!!
pps oh! there isnt a comment thingy at the bottom. :S


I laughed hell lots today!

After school, I took 171 from BPP straight to Yishun interchange~ It's just a 20 minutes ride lor. Better than taking the stupid train. See so many people that I don't wanna see and some people blasting their music out loud. Like free only~ You pay I also pay~ Kns! Taking 171 is better cuz very quiet. Enjoy the long bus ride~ Some more travel through Mandai who knows can see tigers/lions/monkey/giraffes escaping. LOL! Okay, lame~

Anyways, I see Ben I happy. I happy means I talk a lot. I talk a lot means we laugh a lot.

You know, I enjoy every moment when I am with him. Although most of the time we will argue about some stuffs that we don't agree on. But after a few minutes everything will be alright. :D And, many times we gossip till our mouth rot sia. LOL! Machiam girls like that. But I like! He's my best friend, my buddy, my boyfriend and the guy I love most.

And for today, I don't know why, we discussed something about weddings. :S We look through some of attractive places that we like. LOL! I think, if I get married definitely would be in the outdoor. A bit ang moh kind~ AHAHAHAHA! I think my parents will kill me if I did that. You know, their mindset = traditional! Sian~

Okay, I think I should stop because I feel very uneasy saying all these things on my blog! Hahahahahahaahaaa!

Love B!

Yishun got Sakae leh!! Heh heh~


Sunday, May 17, 2009


I've got hell lots of photos to be uploaded. Say approximately around 20 photos. :X HAHAHAH!

The weekend is gonna be over soon. OMG! Time passes so fast~ Damn sian about this man! Bahhh~ Anyways, my Sis & I were hooked on Glamour Age and Sorority Life! LOL! Damn funny. You see, my Sis's comp is in her room whereas mine is in the living room. And, the both of us were like exchanging views on how to improve and so on.. I think my Bro was a little fed up cuz we were practically raising our voice. LOL!

A random shot I took~

I am missing this guy here. He's working today over at Hilton. Bahhh~

Alright, the photos below are photos that I randomly took or I have taken it a long time ago. LOL!

Hmm.. Whats this??

It was actually Canale's choc cake!!!! The box is chio lor! The cake is actually quite small but but BUT!! A small little piece is enough already! The choc is very rich and the taste is very unique! I like I like! I super love this!! Wa.. I am salivating now.

This one also very nice. LOL! But, one for $1.60 consider expensive leh~

This was how KiKi look like when he knows I'm going out. Hahahaa~ Super sad face.

Blahhhhhh~ I am lazy to resize and upload pictures already! :D Pardon me for posting up so many overdue pictures. LOL!


Friday, May 15, 2009


I am going to Science Centre tomorrow! :D
Together with Ben, Kaz (Ben's sis) and Ah Bee!

Yawns! Nothing much to blog about and I have some overdue pictures to be posted up. But I'm plain lazy to resize all photos. Hahahaha!

I am definitely looking forward to tomorrow!!!

Oh, my ulcer is killing me. Too heaty liao. I think I need to drink some liang teh. :D Tomorrow go buy a bottle of Chrysanthemum tea from TCM. Yeap!

Thats all! Hopefully there's pictures for tomorrow's trip.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Question yourself, question yourself!! Jen, question yourself!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009



I miss Ben.
I miss my cousins.
I miss Cy & Fc.

I feel that I am behind time. Wayyyy behind time. It scares me. I do not like going to school coz everytime when I reach home, a new pimple appeared. Fuck! IT IS GETTING IRRITATING!! Don't tell me I've got sensitive skin! Noooooo!

Blah. I feel so blah~

I wanna use back the default skin!

When is my hair gonna grow back to the length 2 years back?! Ahhhhh~

Cheebs. I am feeling so frustrated now!

Science Centre, yeah!

Monday, May 11, 2009



I just clean up this lil imp's PUKE! :S

I drafted this whole shit yesterday.

I spent my weekend reading 'Where Rainbows End'. Anyways, I don't really like it cuz it's a little too draggy la~ I scan through quite a number of pages because I only wanted to know what happened between Alex and Rosie. The book is only giving me unnecessary details about the Mom, Sis, Ruby and etc. I got kinda frustrated when the author doesn't want to fill me in with details of the soul mates. Ahhhh. Shits. Anyways, it is a happily ever after ending after 40 years. I must conclude that this book will not be reminded of at all. Well, for me. You know, it is a disappointment because the book P.S I love you is splendid. I cried and I could feel the heartache and I can picture the story very well. But for this, I dont. Aiyayayaya! Must read and you'll know la~ Maybe she just wanted a change on how she wants to write up a story using email and messages. But too bad, I don't think it work well for me.

Anyhoo, thanks SooSian for lending me this book. Much appreciated. :)

I did not bring KiKi for his vaccination today because my Dad's sick. Running with a high fever for the past 3 days. He did some blood test and the Doc says its just normal flu. Phew~ Anyways, hope he'll get well soon (hopefully tomorrow because I woke up at fucking 5.45am today and rushed myself to take a bus to Yishun interchange). :S Nightmare... And funny incident happened on the train today. LOL! Fucking aunty. Gucci bag lor~ Later she use her Gucci bag and bitch slap me.

I need to buy:

1. Contact Lense. (Im tired of wearing spectacles)
2. BodyShop Toner
3. A new skirt. Ma de.
4. A watch. Saw one from Espirit. VERY CHIO!

I not greedy, four things enough liao.

And today I gossip till my mouth rot sia. Buay tahan! Cannot cannot. Karmaaaa!


Scared you guys forget my face. LOL! *smug face*

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Nothing's gonna beat this kinship/friendship/relationship

I ranted today. I practically pour everything out from my heart. To my Sis, to Ben and to a friend. I felt relieved. I really do feel relieved. Ben is right, Ben is always right. He always hit the jackpot. Sis.. I love my Sis. She's realistic. She taught me stuffs I never know. She do not side me when things went wrong but in fact, she tell me why these things happened. Whether am I in the wrong and so on.. I'm happy. I'm happy for I have them.

I don't know what else to say here. Because I feel that you cannot feel how am I feeling when I pen things down. You need to listen to me. Listen to me ranting in anger, sadness and fear. I almost cried. Cried in front of Ben. I hold my tears. When I told my Sis I needed her to listen to me, I teared. Uncontrollably.


I couldn't believe that Ben actually trust me a lot. Thank god for that. He really does put his trust on me. But Ben, sometimes a little jealousy plays a part in our relationship. A little will do.

And, I love you guys a lot. Ben, Jasmine, ChinnYee, FangChee(where have you been?) and Pinky.

I'm still feeling sad tho'. But fret not, nothing is gonna bring Jennifer down. And I mean N-O-T-H-I-N-G.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Its a total of 1335 days.


Oh, that was supposed to be yesterday. Haha!

I was wondering if my dinner tonight would be maggi or not? I am finally sick of eating maggi. Lol! I want to eat something tasty!


Hahahahaha! Age shall not be disclosed! :D

And Happy Birthday to Kasson too~
And 2 of my primary school friends got the same birthday too!

I am hungry!!!