Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Drowned dead

Sometimes, I just wish that I can drown myself with all of these sorrows and anger in me till I die. I find no point in living in this world. At the age of 21... What did I achieved? I sympathize myself sometimes for being such a god damn loser in everything. I wasted my youth, my early age of an adulthood suck and everything is going on so wrong for me at home. I don't have a place.. The thought of telling people I am still studying in a polytechnic really saddens me. I'm afraid.. More than afraid of anything that people will look down on me. I hated that feeling.. I've been looked down, not once not twice but many a times by people and sometimes my family. Friends are taking their degree... Me? The smell and touch of diploma seems so far.. When? Tell me.. I'm tired.. Tired of everything that I put myself through. Mainly all the shits I get.. is really pissing me off..

After all of these.. Who can I blame?

No one but me. I made it all happened.. ALL. ALL my fault.

Staying here just makes me weaker as I grow older.. I need to find somewhere far away..

What's worst.. What hurts me the most is when I did all I could to impress you. You chose to ignore it and make me feel unimportant. We're no longer that close anymore.