Sunday, November 14, 2010

It can buy happiness

Sometimes, I think that being rich can actually buy you happiness. Well, that is what I think. You may not agree with me but you gotta read on to maybe... partially agree with me.

Have you ever wanted that "thing" so much that you realised that you didn't have money to buy it? Then, you have to work so hard to earn that pathetic little amount from your part time job, you bought that "thing". You're broke once again.

Tell me, how many of you actually worked as a part timer to get stuffs that your parents wouldn't agree to buy it for you? Well, me.

I did not exactly work as a part timer but I saved so damn bloody hard to get the things I want. I am never born with a silver spoon nor my parents are rich. Mind you, some parents are NOT rich but their kids are pampered like anything whatever okay! I am not given extra allowances like many other kids do these days. Well, my allowances can cover my transport and food expenses. Sometimes, I heng appetite small then I'll have savings. But normally the allowances I had is enough for me to bypass the week.

I am NOT blaming my parents for not giving me more money for my allowances nor am I blaming them for not being rich.

If.. my parents were rich I wouldn't have to think about all these stuffs.. I can at least 80% get the things that I wanted so much. I don't have to worry about wanting to get more money from them in fear that the household allowances is not enough.

Wouldn't that make me happier and free from worries? I've never ask money from my parents at all since young. Neither did I even tell them to buy me things. Sometimes, they cut my allowance but I did not even bother to ask them why. I know the reason why. I fucking know it.

All the things that I own is all what I saved.

Haha. Anyway, this post is just so random. Some may not agree with me. But who wouldn't wanna be rich and buy whatever stuffs that you want without worrying? Don't tell me you don't lor because humans are just some greedy fucks that is surviving with a thing called money. Anyhoo, I am not complaining about my parents or whatever shits that you may think of. I am indeed thankful that they shelter me with food, clothes and love. :) THIS, is a necessity! <3