Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Always in my heart

Every flashbacks of us came running through my mind. Suddenly, I remember every single detail of us together. It was a funny one. You used to be the bully back in primary school with the guys in class. Bully me till like there's no tomorrow. You know how much I used to dislike you so much back then? Haha. You're so playful and I remember you can run like damn fast. Oh and your center parting, that is like the coolest shit ever back in our days and you always love to take out your orange comb and comb your those little amount of fringe. Haha. After PSLE, we lost contact. 

It was 4 years ago that you found me on friendster, complimenting that I became prettier. Hehe. Back in primary school you always say that I'm fat and whichever nasty words to me. Was surprise that you actually find the fat and ugly girl when she's 11 to be pretty 5 years later. We added each other on MSN and then we exchange numbers. But we never texted each other at all.. Until one day you decided to text me and asked me how am I doing. You text me at the right time, my boy. It was the time when I am so fucking down and depressed that you came into my life and asked me to stay strong and be by my side whenever you can. Seeing you with so many tattoos on your arms and body it make me pop you the question "Your tattoo not pain meh?". Being the always like to act suave guy, you said "No la. Not pain at all".. I was wondering, how can it be? And told you I wanted to have one and you this steady pom pi pi guy agreed immediately. 

I met you after school after not seeing you for so many years.. It was so awkward that I feel like running away from you. You grew so tall and handsome BUT still as skinny as ever. We took the train to Chinatown and during the whole journey you kept trying to make me talk. But haha I was still as quiet. Your plan totally fail la! When we reached your friend's shop, they thought that I am your girlfriend. But haha you said something like "No la. If yes then good lor.". Making me so paiseh like anything. Then it was choosing of my tattoo design. Initially I wanted a small fairy but you said that why put so small. Put a bigger one. So you helped me choose the sparrow above because you said that it was unique and it suits me. I agreed. The whole process took about 4 hours. You said that I am so brave because I did everything at one go, the lining and the shading. You held my tiny hand for the whole 4 hours.. I still remember the watch that you are wearing. A silver one that was too big for you.. When there's too much blood, you helped me tap dry and hold it there for me. I was happy that day. After all is done, you brought me to Guardian and buy me the lotion for tattoo and reminded me that I have apply it every time after my shower. I did it.

Every now and then you'll text me random stuffs. You tried to woo me before but I rejected because I still love Ben a lot. After knowing that I am back together with Ben you seldom text me already. And you said that you don't want the same thing to happen to me again.. The last time you called me was earlier this year and I scolded you because you pranked me. I got so angry that I ignored your text. The last text message was April this year.. You sent me a long and meaningful text message telling me that I have to be strong.. That was the last time I heard from you....

Until yesterday, the news shocked me. 

I will never receive any random text from you anymore.
I will never hear from you anymore.
Never again.

Initially the tattoo was to remind me that I have to stay strong.. But now.. it changed. My tattoo was for you. The guy who will never ignore me whenever I am feeling down.. 

Goodbye Chun Wei.. You're safe and sound now. You'll never have to be worried about those stupid policeman anymore. You can now put your mind at ease and never be worried about anything anymore. 

If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Rest in peace my friend. You'll forever be in my heart. Forever...