Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I guess I am not that independent yet.

Last week was such a torment week for me. Ever since I came back from Bintan, things had been going downhill. I almost break down oh wait a minute, I break down a few times in one day. I cried my lungs out like some motherfucker drunkard bitch. I seriously don't know what happened that week. Everything was alright to begin with but I just fucking screwed it up. Well, it isn't entirely MY FAULT but I think I hold a bigger percentage of it. Glad that things had been resolved and my life is at the peak again! Although this vacation was not much fun but I think I spent it quite wisely? Been reading and reading and reading lately. Super love how the author actually bring me to another world and from there I picture everything in my mind myself.

I can't wait for October 15th to come! Ben promised to bring me for a shopping spree to prepare myself for the next semester. Hehe. Talking about semester... Results were released yesterday and I am very very disappointed. Not that I failed but I just feel that if I did not study last minute I would have scored better. My time management this time round is freaking bad. :( Never in my life I scored such a low GPA. Never. I am always on the high side of the GPA but this time round I think I am at my lowest. If there is anything lower than what I am currently holding, I will and definitely cry. Perhaps, I am setting such a high goal for myself that when I don't achieve it I am fucking depressed. Ya ya, I told everyone that I don't feel like studying after my diploma but.. Why am I still chionging for my GPA? I don't know either.

I guess everything just sums up to I am playing my part as a student and as a daughter to do my parents proud. I guess it is that simple.