Friday, September 10, 2010

I am back!!

After 2 weeks of never ending revisions and exams, I am finally done with it!! Phew! I've never been so stressed up before. Even when I'm taking my finals during my ITE days, I'm not even that stress. However, all papers are over!! Yayyyy!


For the past 2 days I slept less than 12 hours.. I don't know if I'm having insomnia or whatsoever, but I became a very light sleeper nowadays. Die early leh. :( My eyes were puffy for the past 3 days too, and even today. Ugly.

Anyway, Ben bookout early today! So I met him at Sembawang Shopping Centre since he shared a cab with his friend. Brought him to Astons for dindin! Didn't even finish my share and I wonder how did I even finish it the previous time. My stomach giu zhui (shrink) isit? Gave him my portion in the end. Haha.

He bought me EPO for my cramps and at the same time to improve my skin's condition. Hehe! Please, make it work. I want no cramps anymore!!

Then cabbed to CWP to meet his parents to buy his laptop! Actually wanted Dell but the salesperson said that Dell is gonna redraw itself from Asia countries! Bo bian, dropped the idea of buying Dell and he bought Acer instead. It is freakingly cool lah the laptop! Take picture show you when I'm over at his place. Hahahaa super like the service from the salesperson! Accompanied his parents for dinner and Ben and I shared herbal chicken. I TELL YA, THE HERBAL CHICKEN IS DAMN DAMN NICE. Awwww.. Hungry again

Decided not to stay over because I really need my sleep. Tomorrow's a long long day with Ben and I need the energy!


Baby thank you for listening to my nonsense for the past 2 weeks. 
Really appreciate it and if it is not because of your encouragement, I would have given up.
Thank you so much! 
Lets gonna have so much fun later on! 
Love ya lots my Boy, you're the best!