Friday, February 12, 2010

Finally something amazed me at FEP!

Met my forever ever ever later than me boyfriend at Lavender to collect his passport on Monday.
I bet he's gonna kp me when he saw this sentence.
I don't care! It's a fact that I've always been waiting for him & yet he still dare to claim that he's waiting for me everytime.
Eyes open big big and tell lies sia this person!

Anyways, the person asked us to come back at 1pm to collect his passport (cb, wait again!).
Headed over to Beach Rd & wanted to have their beef soup noodle & it's closed! :(
So I ate this look nice but put in mouth not very nice kind of chix chop rice.
Collected his passport & cabbed to 313 again. Hehe!
F21 again! This time, empty handed. Boooo!
Went to those jat palang shop & gotten myself 2 tops. Love it!

Orchard Central next & walked around aimlessly. Damn happy with the environment there because NO PPL! Wahahahahahaaa!
Bought heels & a bag.
Thread my brows at Vaani! 10.7 is totally worth it!
Saw a tattoo shop Primitive Ink & I asked them whats the price if I wanna touch up my sparrow.
ONLY 120!!!! 20 bucks more for a more professionalism ink. Me want!

And my very very hiao bf wants to get a basic long sleeved top. Super hiam okay this person! Walk here & there to fucking search for his stupid top. Tsk!!!
Finally he settled himself with a top from River Island & another top from Zara.

Super young Ben.

& this meatball soup from FEP is totally ooowwwhhhh! Fucking delicious! And their spicy fishball with cabbage is OMG heavenly!

That is something from FEP that amazed me. Finally something nice~