Saturday, April 4, 2009

Please help little Barney!!

My sis’s student, Barney Allan Jeffs is diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at the age of 5 years old last Tuesday. Whats even worse is his blood type is B negative. Rare blood type. Kinda sad when I heard it. Just hope that there will be donors for him. Maybe YOU reading this post is a blood type B negative. Maybe you can help? Drop me an email if you’re willing to help this poor little boy. email: Or you can call Erin directly at her mobile at 9833-4945. Erin is a friend of Annie, David and Barney Jeffs.

I believe the parents would be grateful for your deed as they are alone here without family to help them through this, so any support we can give them by trying to get donors is appreciated. The family has been living in Singapore several years and his mom Annie is Irish and his dad David is from New Zealand. Please help to circulate this message around when you read this. The hospital has explained that Barney will require many transfusions of blood and platelets over this coming months and at least ten donors will be needed. Please help!


p/s help me to pass this message around! please please please!!