Friday, April 3, 2009

Hun just left my place 30 minutes ago.
Me is so excited because Hun's dad is buying him a car!
I know am not the one receiving it but HAHAHAHAAA!
I believe that Hun would love to share his joy with me!
Right right?
Anyways, he was so excited and enthusiastic about it that the first thing he reached my place was to switch on my computer and showed me his dream car and etc.
Like duh! -.-
Asked him to be more realistic and he showed me those sports car and blah blah.
Cant stand his nonsense!
And finally, he decided to choose Suzuki Swift Sports!
OMG! Even me, who know nuts about cars love that car!!

Me love its interior a lot!! Like cool only!

We read the review on the car and we believe that it is up to its good performance. :)
Asked him not to choose those Ah Beng cars. LOL!
So yeah, hopefully Hun's dad would agree with his decision.
I know the picture not very chio but I saw one at my house's car park and it is chio de lor.

Hun says he's buying me the creaaaaam! YIPPIIIEEEE!!!

Next Friday outing with my Sis! Our sisterly love shopping trip!
I cant wait to taste Spanish fooood!
I've been craving it every time I see it on T&L!
Oh my goooodd! I sooo wanna try Paella. Looks very veli yummy leh!



Next Monday, trim eyebrows! :D
Cant wait to receive my cream from Hunny!