Okay, this weather shits aside. The more I think of the humidity the more I get fustrated. The more I get fustrated, the more I rant. The more I rant, the more I swear. The more I swear, the more I am a sinner. The more I am a sinner, the more I.... And it continues. Oooooh! Btw, did you guys watch Youtube everyday? Hahahaha! Without Youtube, life's a bore man. If you don't watch Youtube everyday, you're a boring man/woman. And I don't want you as a friend. Bleah~ Cuz you're BORING!

I reprimanded Hun in the afternoon because he stopped eating meds for his pimples!! Waste money la you! And he started giving me all sorts of excuses that he's a chef and he has got no time to run to the toilet and wash his face whenever his face starts to get oily. Nonsense. (Raise up your hand, "Teacher, may I go to the toilet.", Goes toilet.) I believe your teacher ain't that nasty to the core and forbid you guys to go to the toilet eh?
Talking about face... I've been using this BodyShop toner given by my Bro. Love it! The very cooling effect I received makes me feel calm. I don't know why. Feels shiok lor! Feels shiok and you will get high right? That kind of feeling is nice de! ^^ Most importantly... It minimizes your pores! Aiya, I believe all toner works about the same. It's just the brand that people go for.

Bro: Where got?
*Takes the bottle of toner and point the word "Tonique" right onto his face.*
Me: There~~~
Bro: Orh. I thought tonic!
Me: .....
I'll be jogging tomorrow! That's if I can wake up in the morning! And I'll be getting my loots tomorrow with Hunny! Yippie yay! :P
I can't can't can't wait for this Saturday's outing with my Sista! *grins*
Till then!
p/s Sista got a blog!!!