Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Drowned dead

Sometimes, I just wish that I can drown myself with all of these sorrows and anger in me till I die. I find no point in living in this world. At the age of 21... What did I achieved? I sympathize myself sometimes for being such a god damn loser in everything. I wasted my youth, my early age of an adulthood suck and everything is going on so wrong for me at home. I don't have a place.. The thought of telling people I am still studying in a polytechnic really saddens me. I'm afraid.. More than afraid of anything that people will look down on me. I hated that feeling.. I've been looked down, not once not twice but many a times by people and sometimes my family. Friends are taking their degree... Me? The smell and touch of diploma seems so far.. When? Tell me.. I'm tired.. Tired of everything that I put myself through. Mainly all the shits I get.. is really pissing me off..

After all of these.. Who can I blame?

No one but me. I made it all happened.. ALL. ALL my fault.

Staying here just makes me weaker as I grow older.. I need to find somewhere far away..

What's worst.. What hurts me the most is when I did all I could to impress you. You chose to ignore it and make me feel unimportant. We're no longer that close anymore.

Ann Siang Hill

I think I edited a little too much for this photo. Haha!

Anyway, I've finally went to Ann Siang Hill yesterday. The purpose there was to aim at this small little maybe around 8 seater cafeteria for its famous dessert that many people raved about. And now I've finally set foot into this little shop that sells both desserts and some cutesy vintagy stuffs. Hmmm.. I am not a vintagy person and well, nothing of the vintage stuffs attracted me! 

It was a really sunny afternoon yesterday. And the train ride to Tanjong Pagar killed me and fc. Sigh.. I hate taking trains. Really. Anyway, its a walking distance and you might need 10 mins to reach the destination. It's somewhere around Maxwell food centre, you need to walk a little further down, then you'll be able to see the street sign. :) Easy peasy for street idiots like us to able to find it! Hahahah!

The famous dessert store is called Kki and there's this store called Oakham Market. Which was sadly enough, under some renovation. :( I heard their clothings were pretty cheap and nice. Sigh.. What a day! Settled ourselves in and we chose......

Hazelnut pastry. 

My all time favourite Tiramisu!

It was a disappointment.. I had better tiramisu elsewhere at a Japanese rastaurant! The hazelnut pastry was okay.. I really do love nutty desserts but this is not that good afterall. And it tasted "lao hong". Yeah, you guess it right, it cost us a bomb to have a not very nice not very worth it kind of desserts at 32bucks. And they cheated me with pokka green tea drink! This is absurd. Really.. What's more? They pour me only a fucking glass. 1 small tiny weeny glass. Like what?! A 1.5l bottle of green tea cost you at most $2.10 and you pour me not even a 300ml drink! Bloody hell.. AND FUCK THE GREEN TEA COST $3. If you wanna sell ice pokka green tea, fucking sell a can and charge me $3. I still can take it. Don't fucking pour me a glass and charge me 3! But their ambience was good.. Other than that not really worth it for the price you pay. 

Enough of that, not returning to that place anymore. 


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Busy bumble bee

Im having this love hate relationship that is going on in my life right now.. Been too busy to slowly enjoy life, slowly enjoy my first year of an adult and slowly enjoy the wonderful taste of food and the power of happy shopping.. One thing I love how busy I am right now makes me feel that I made an accomplishment in my life.. The hating part? That's when I feel that I am living in a very systematic way.. It bores me, big time. I've been very much caught up with school, projects, work, love and family.. I can feel myself suffocating slowly. Wait.. Maybe I've already master the art of suffocating myself with these shitload of stuffs that I exceed the normal level.. In short, maybe, I'm succumbed to this life..

No longer beautiful and colorful anymore.

How sad? Maybe.. Just maybe.. I grew up. I weigh my priorities right and set realistic goals. No.. Maybe not to the extend of setting a realistic goal, but at least I know I need to work hard for a better future..

My love? No comments.. Ups and downs is inevitable. What more can I say? 就是走一步算一步咯。


So tired..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fartsy; You and Me

Kept farting for the past hour. Tsk.. Hahahahahaha!!

Life's so stagnant these days. Hate it! Only thing that I'm occupied with is school. Upcoming projects plus work during the weekends. Gotta pull through this semester. Cuz gonna 9 to 5 from Monday to Friday. I think it's gonna kill me big time.

Anyway, I'm working as an Assistant teacher for a reading programme now. The job scope is alright and really stress free. Met really nice girls there and some of the kids were really amazing. I really enjoy working there although the travelling part really did increase my transport expense a lot. :(

I'm really glad that I left my previous work place. Really really glad. Because it made me less grumpy and stress now. Yay!

You and Me on replay for the n time.

Ciao and have a great week people!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hectic life plus not a so bitchy post

Life has been pretty hectic these days... With all the new modules, new classmates, new environment and new tutors/lecturers.. Trying really hard to fit into all.. Really can't wait to graduate. Too old for all of these, too old to crack stupid jokes and too old to keep up with the energy these youngsters have.

Feeling really tired these days.. I kept sleeping and sleeping. Now, while I'm blogging, I'm starting to feel the tiredness kicking in.. What's wrong?

Spending lesser and lesser time together with Ben.


Anywayz, was saying that I wanted to say something bitchy.. But that feeling wear off.. So now, all I wanted to say is....

If YOU really treat her as your BUDDY, you would have stayed for the celebration. And, you don't have to keep asking what time am I coming. It's definitely none of your business at all. And why are you so afraid of seeing me? Done something evil behind my back? Bet so. You know on that day, you're just making a fool out of yourself. Playing hide and seek and those whatnots. Please, think! Sigh, you're just being pathetic. Come on, grow up together with mature thoughts.. What you're doing is simply childish. AND for fuck sake, you have NO IDEA how upset your BUDDY was when you just shove all sorts of excuses to not attend her celebration. The excuse? Only you yourself know it best if it was true.

If you really treat my dearest babe as your really good friend or buddy, whoever is coming that you hated, it is still gonna make you stay. Cuz you know why? You treasure the years of friendship you guys built. Moreover, she invited you is because she still treasure this friendship. If she don't give bloody 2 fucks about you, you will be uninvited. Easy as that. So please, go think. Go reflect on yourself, girl. You may have just lose a very nice and good friend just because you wanted to "avoid" me. Pathetic as much as I want to say it to your face. The avoidance was so obvious. Sigh, didn't know I had such a strong power to make a person like you go down on four legs.

And, what's the reason for all these mind games you're playing with yourself? And, may I ask, the reason of hating me? I soooooooo wanted to know. Looking forward to your reply. Maybe you won't, cuz you're gonna avoid again. Lol..

Hating me won't make you any prettier. :) Remember that.

Now, you've finally gotten my attention. What else do you want? I am more than willing to give whatever you asked for.. Just like how Kiki begged me for a treat.