Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cloud 9!

Ben called a few minutes ago to tell me some lovey dovey things! Heheheheheeee! *giggles*


Im so eppppy happpppyy! And he says that he die die gonna meet me tomorrow after my work! Can't wait!

Pardon me, a little high.


Anyways, I'm busy doing face-book quizzes (the Chinese ones)! Gotta agree with some of the results I've gotten. Hahahahaa! And yeap! I've got a sudden craving for English Breakfast! And I went to Google the photos and wow... Makes me salivate man! Yum yum yum! Sausages, beans, eggs, bacon, tomatoes and etc! Yummmmmmm! Hehehe!

I am gonna ask Ben to make me the English breakfast soon! Hehehe!

Wa.. Buay tahan sia! Waaaaaaaaaaaa! LOL!! Glutton me!

And and and! I've got sudden cravings for desserts! Ooooooooh. Yummmmmmmoooo!!

I wanna go for breakfast buffet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still alive!


I am still alive and kicking! Hahahahahaaaa!

I've not been meeting Ben for almost 2 weeks. I miss him. He's working for F1 for the past 3 days and the sms I received from him is very pathetic lor!! He cannot even make any phone calls at all. Stupid F1~

I-just-don't-want-school-to-start. This mean that Ben's leaving for his attachment and I cannot even meet him!!!!!!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The thing many people dread most.


I'll be starting my Internship tomorrow at Alexandra Hospital. I am only given the work's schedule today and I have to start work immediately tomorrow. Ahhhh~ Anyway, I feel that they should have inform me earlier. Am supposed to be dressing like an OL. Damn it. No black, no jeans.

Whatever it is, it is gonna be a month. So why not enjoy? Hahahaha.

Seriously speaking, my mind's empty. Basically, lost. LOL!

I need a brain freeze. Something cold please!

To CY: Hey girl, I know you'll be reading my blog before you leave for US. I'm sorry that I cannot send you off on Friday because I have to work. So, take care when you're over at US. Remember to makan their burgers and get a tattoo oki! Hahahahahaa! Come back with piercings will be the best la! Let me tio shock for a moment also not bad. ;) Most importantly, enjoy yourself to the fullest! Sadly, when you're back from US, I am still having my attachment. So I don't know when will we be able to meet up. >.< Text me when you're leaving SG. Leave an offline message on what is your departure time from US. Maybe I'll be able to welcome you back! I'll miss you dearly! Mwahhhhs! <3

My best friend's leaving me for 2 weeks. :') I cannot niam already!

Anyways, I still had not get Ben his MP3 because Harvey Norman does not sell the MP3 he wanted. Throw tantrum at me some more when I asked him to purchase another model. KNS! You think you King ah! LOL!! I'll get you the exact model you wanted okie!!! Don't you dare throw your tantrum at me again! If not I piak your ka cheng!

He was on cloud nine when he purcahsed Fight Night Round 4 this afternoon, just like a kid gotten his Hot wheels.

I wonder if I am able to sleep later. Argh!

I bet I'll be drained out tomorrow.

Till then!

MJ Tribute - flashmob


Monday, September 14, 2009

Side by side – Year by year.


I've got exactly 63 photos to be uploaded tonight (yes, I counted it all). Knowing that I'm left with only 23 minutes to edit and upload all of these photos, I know that it is impossible. So, let me just upload the flowery flower flowerish photos that Ben gave me. Pardon me, I just cannot get enough of these flowers. Anyways, I love the edited picture above. *winkz


Shopping with Ben tomorrow! Oh no no, it will be more of his shopping than mine. Promised to get him a MP3. So gotta get him one because his LG Secret which is so not very secret have been giving him problems. This, he insist that it switch off by itself. No baby, it is gonna be that "something" that helped you to switch it off.

And I gotta accompany him to buy his PS3 game. Actually, am quite looking forward to this. Can put the person's face into the game and punch him/her like nobody's business siaaaa. Heh heh heh! Better don't let me "right click, save" your photo and put it in the game and punch you till you bleed and your whole face become pig and your whole face buang!


Alrighto! I think I'll end here. Will update more tomorrow if time allows me.


p/s seriously, i don't know how should i put it across because it's loathsome of you to think that way and jump into conclusion. i think i know why you're upset. i hope it is not because of the incident. that will definitely leave me speechless. and look, i did not do it on purpose nor did i want things to be ended up this way. that sentence of yours has been bugging me for the whole night. a feeling of being maligned. period.

Shakira Parody! Awesomely funny!



Be back later alright? I'll be blogging! Gotta watch the 9pm show! Die die must watch! SUPER NICE!

Good song, listen to the whole of it.

When you texted me randomly (as little as that may be).

Sitting at the table with your family and enjoying myself and you.

How you told me I looked great every time we saw each other - despite how untrue I thought it was.

How you admitted defeat and say sorry when I wouldn’t let you win a fight.

What a loser you are, because I am too.

And lastly...

How much you made me love you..

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Superrrrrr pisssssssss.

You see, after complaining about the Samsung PC Suite, it stopped working.
I intend to upload more of the photos from my phone..
Apparently, the stupid program declined.
Fucking annoying man!

Shhh.. I think the PC suite understand me. Fucklo!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I hate Samsung PC Suite.

KiKi & Flowers.

Anyways, Ben bought me flowers during our 4th Year. Tell you more when I upload all the photos to my computer. :)

And yeah. I need to whine. Blogger's being a bitch. I upload my photo for 3 freaking times and yet the photo doesn't appear it's html codes. So gotta use photobucket to upload the photos. And photobucket is a hassle because I need to ctrl + c and then ctrl + v over and over again. This is a waste of time! Bahhhh~

Samsung's PC suite is being a bitch too. Everytime when I tried to upload multiple photos from my phone to the comp, the whole program hangs. And when I close the program and run it again, it does not read my phone anymore. Ta ma de! Been having this problem ever since I got this damn phone. Cannot, I need to change to Sony Ericsson's phone laaaa. Nokia also not bad. Nokia need not install their damn program. When I plug in the USB cable, auto "open to view files" already leh!! SO GOOD LOR! This Samsung's PC suite have to install their program and whatever shits they asked me to. Everytime bo tai bo ji update don't know simi shit. But still did not solve the problem I am having.

Okay, enough of the whinings. Oh yeahhhhh~ I caught the movie 9.


Please please please, if you intend to catch this show in the theatre, PLEASE DON'T. I find it annoyingly disturbing. I don't think it is suitable for kids la. Serious, 100% chop disturbing. And I doubt the children will understand what the show is talking about la. Yeah, machines kill humans. WOW. Rag dolls save the world. Hoho. SO FUNNEH. The whole damn crew should really suck cock. TEEHEE!

IT IS BEN'S FAULT FOR WANTING TO WATCH THIS! Ask him watch romance show with me, "The Time Traveler's Wife". He refuse. Ask me to watch that dumb stupid 9. Nine 9 九. Good lor. Waste his money. HAHAHAHAAA!

The link to the trailer of 9. HAHAHA! The bg music is nice tho'.

Did I mention I wanna stop my whining? HAHAHAHAHAA!



p/s i watched coraline yesterday with ben and ah bee! MUST WATCH! vehly nice ah~

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Am supposed to go clubbing tonight!! Because of the interview tomorrow at 10am, I had to forgo it. :( Fucked up!

This time Ben allow but I can't go. Ahhhhh. SO SHIT LA!

Smile, because it happened.


I'll be spending my day today fruitfully with Ben. It has been so long since the both of us really spend time together. Meeting up was always in a rush rush. Totally not loving it.

Since my hols are here, we'll spending our time together as much as possible before I leave for my attachment. And when I end my attachment, he will be starting his. So, for this week, my time is all his. But of course, I'll leave some of my time to CY as she will be leaving on the 18th to US. :( 3 fucking weeks. & FC, where have you been ah? And my cousin will be enlisting to NS soon. So gotta meet up with every cousins for just a chilling session.

And, ever wondered why I privated my blog? I don't know either. Just one day, I thought it is a hindrance to have a blog. I find it so not meaningful out of a sudden. I privated it. I deactivate my facebook account too. My cousin even sent me an email asking what happened. It is indeed kind of her. But I don't know what am I doing. I bury myself in books books books. Hmm.. Maybe it's a good idea because I stopped using the computer for a week. My only concentration is the notes. Sibei no life, I know.

Whatever it is, the paper is over. And I feel no point harping on it anymore. Just pray hard that everything will be alright. :)

Ben may not be the sweetest guy on Earth. But I know he's the guy that loves me wholeheartedly. He will always be the happiest memory in my entire life. Although we had some setbacks few weeks ago. But it's over.

He was suggesting few days back that we'll book a hotel room for 2d1n. Just chilling, relax, drink, shop and whatever shits. I am still pondering over it. Hmmm.. I told him just bring me for shopping can liao. Hehe. He says he's gonna give me a surprise tomorrow? Dont know. *shrugs*

A week's post, all up.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy 4th Year.

Ich Liebe Dich, Ben.

Joining with you
in celebrating
another year in love.

Happy Anniversary