Sunday, August 26, 2012

2009 to 2012





I don't know you how you guys think. But I think the change is a bit scary leh. Last time super cannot make it can! Now say now super can make it but I think its better? Hahahaha shall compare it again. Can't find any more older pics. 

Alright, goodnight people. :) Sweet dreams all.


Hehe, all about me. :P All photos took recently. Heh.

Anyway, IPP was great so far. I've got really nice colleagues, supervisor and director. :) Really thankful. Hehe. I'll give all my best and hopefully get an A to pull my GPA up. Really wanna score in this. Omg. I sound so nerd. And I'll be graduating really soon. Like in probably around 7/8 months time. Time really pass damn fast. Time for me to sit down and think what I wanna do after I graduate. Work or continue study? Still in a dilemma. Nvm, slowly think think think. Heh.

And yes, I really love my job scope as a HR. Some thing that I really enjoy doing. For now, I'm doing recruitment. I wanna try training. The compensation and benefits side a bit stressful ah. :( But oh well, never try never know! Maybe I'll like it. Stress is good sometimes. Hehehe.

When did I changed so much? Lol.

Okay, I need to stop talking about school stuffs. Maybe for now a little about my life. Been great so far. :D All smiles now. <3 p="p">

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Today my life begins

Monday, August 20, 2012

Timbre - After exams

So after two weeks of mugging, exams are finally over and yes, my groupies went for some drinks at Timbre after our last paper!

With groupies. 

Claire Princess. 

Wing wing!

Lao de aka Patrina!

Yummy duck pizza!

Chicken pizza - NOT NICE.

Anyway we went to Timbre @ The Arts House. I really really really prefer Timbre @ OldSchool. I don't like the seatings of Timbre @ The Arts House. Either too low or too high. Don't have just nice one and it makes it very difficult to eat. Major dislike. And the food there isn't as nice as the one at OldSchool. And they increased their price!! Increased price but not the quality of food is a major BOO. 

All in all, the food is just average. Could have been better!! Very disappointed. 

But the company was good! Heheh with my girls. <3 p="p">

Everyone is going for their separate ways for IPP tomorrow. All the best!! 

Simply love Year 3 Sem 1. I don't know how am I gonna survive my Sem 2 without Claire around. That bitch is leaving me in Singapore and going for OSEP (Germany)!!!! >:( But its okay, cuz will be seeing her after two months!! :D 

Anyhoos, I am looking forward to my IPP at Singapore Zoo! But at the same time, I'm pretty afraid of the working environment and the people there. Hahahahaha.. Guess positivism is the key yeah? Yup, I'll strive for these 2 months! I'll make it happen. :) 

Good luck everyone!


Bro came back from Aussie and we decided to have dinner together at a fusion restaurant, KILO. The restaurant is a little out of place. It's either you have your own transport or you take a cab in. KILO only serves dinner and they operates every tuesday to sunday from 6pm to 12mn. Anyway, reservation is strongly recommended. :)


Wasabi Advocado Tune Tartare. So-so.

Scallops. The sauce is really really really good. 

Prawn gyoza. Awesome. I like the crisp of the gyoza's skin.

Angel-hair pasta. Super good and the prawns are really fresh.

My favv! Squidink rice with yolk. MUST TRY!

Lava cake. Super disappointing. A little under cooked. Was expecting it to be really yummy but no. 

The food is really expensive and yeah I guess its worth the price. The only major thing I dislike about it was all the food tasted kinda sweet. But it was still acceptable though! :)

So sorry about the pictures cuz it's all taken from the iPhone. :( I forgot my camera. 

Well, if I were to rate, I'd probably give it a 8/10. The ambience was really good especially in the night. Lots of couples dine in here for some romantic dinner. Hehe. 

Yup, it's worth the try!

Past 1 month

So for the past one month or so....

I've been super duper busy with 11 projects in one semester.
I've been busy with the preparation of exams.
I've been studying like one siao char boh.

I think that's about it. So busy with so much stuffs. I don't even have time to do my own things. And now that my exams are over, I'm going for my IPP on Tuesday! Being posted to the zoo! That is something that I always wanted. Heheheheh! LOA LOA LOA!!

Life's good these days. Left 1 more semester and I'm gonna graduate soon. How time flies. How long has this journey went. How much time I've wasted and learned. Just how time flies.. I'm finally getting my diploma that many others think I wouldn't.

For you bitches, I'm getting my diploma cert soon. I know I will. _|_(^.^)_|_