Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hey peeps, I am still very much alive and kicking ass. Hahahahahaha! Been pretty busy lately as ICAs are all piling up. Damn it. I just had my Macroecons paper on Monday and it is farrrrrrrking tricky and difficult! 

"Eh.. This answer like can leh. *sees ans b* No leh.. B also like correct leh." And fuck it, its MCQ.

Tell me why must lecturers make students' life so difficult. Make it easier mah.. You happy, I happy! Okay.. That aside. 

I started work on Mondayeheheh! I'm lovin' it. I'm loving how every hour makes me earn 6bucks. Hahahahahaha! I'd rather work than stay at home, stare at facebook and fucking no life. Although it can be quite tough for me now because I have to memorise the benefits but I am sure I can do it! And, work with FC tomorrow! 

And today.... My sis left for New Zealand for 3 months.. :( I cried laa. Damn useless me. She's leaving me again. No us. But its gonna be a good exposure for her.. However, I am STILL worried. Fuck it. Whenever I think of how she was "con" I fucking du lan. 

I will never forgive that particular person. NEVER. OVER-MY-DEAD-BODY.

Crazy Attica day. Bon voyage! <3