Friday, December 31, 2010


Seriously. I hate it when guys cheat, flirt or do whatever nasty shits behind the other partner's back. They fucking deserve no respect and they can fucking go eat their own shit. I cannot tolerate all this. Even if it does not relate to me at all. Why must all the guys use their fucking dick to think? Why didn't they want to treasure the woman right before their eyes who love and give them their 100%?

And, why is it to unfair that girls always take a longer time to heal the heartaches men left behind? When is it gonna be men's turn? They should experience how we felt and how torturous it is for us to move on bit by bit.

It suck being a woman, because we're always at the losing end. If we were to cheat, we're sluts. If men cheat, the women deserves it because she's whiny/demanding/etc.

Not trying to be bias. There are actually real bitches out there. But majority of women is suffering because of a living thing called "men".