Friday, December 31, 2010


Seriously. I hate it when guys cheat, flirt or do whatever nasty shits behind the other partner's back. They fucking deserve no respect and they can fucking go eat their own shit. I cannot tolerate all this. Even if it does not relate to me at all. Why must all the guys use their fucking dick to think? Why didn't they want to treasure the woman right before their eyes who love and give them their 100%?

And, why is it to unfair that girls always take a longer time to heal the heartaches men left behind? When is it gonna be men's turn? They should experience how we felt and how torturous it is for us to move on bit by bit.

It suck being a woman, because we're always at the losing end. If we were to cheat, we're sluts. If men cheat, the women deserves it because she's whiny/demanding/etc.

Not trying to be bias. There are actually real bitches out there. But majority of women is suffering because of a living thing called "men".

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 is ending!


2010 is coming to an end very very very soon!! 
It will be our 6th year welcoming a new year together. Hehehe!

Anyway, its gonna be a week already and I am still sick. 
I think I totally deserve the virus to drag on...
I ate salmon skin, tom yum and those heaty food together with FC when we're working. 
Everytime eat their scones and tiramisu. Hahahaha!
Cannot tahan those nice food. :( 

Today is my off day and I kept sleeping because the flu makes me very sleepy.
Now, I'm up doing the stupid useless project. 
Seriously, I hate this semester.
Arghhhhh.. Hopefully it will end like damn fast, take my module exams and *poof*.
Now I think about it, I don't mind not entering into HR anymore. Since I don't intend to go Uni and just get my diploma cert will do, no point making myself so stressed up. Everyone was like telling me the grades does not matter if you don't intend to go Uni. Right right?
It just sums all up to your personality and how you fair in the interview to get a job you ever wanted. 
I think I can fair quite well during interviews one la. Lol! So not a major prob for me. 

I'm feeling sleepy again and Ben is not allowed to use his phone... :(
12 hours of not hearing from him, kill me plz.

And, something to be happy for!!!
Ben is off on 30th, 31st and 1st!!! Which means we can celebrate the new year together again at his place!
Last year also like that! Hehehehe! I can't wait!!
And tomorrow he's fetching me from work. Awwwwww!!! MY BABY!! 
So bloody sweet sometimes. Haha!

Bye bye everyone! 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Xmas eve

On the eve of the Christmas....

I fall sick.
My eyes are so swollen.
I feel so weak.
I'm working till closing..

To think we're closing at 6pm initially brightens me up. Now, at 10pm!! I reach Yishun already what time liao. :( Next day work again till closing!! They better give me half day on New Year's Eve. If not this job is damn shitty. Moreover, no people come in to the shop and yet they wanna open till so late. KNS.

Don't care lor. I am gonna open their box of tiramisu and happily eat it today. If not what is no desserts on Christmas?! 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It is really that pathetic sometimes.

Monday, December 20, 2010

This has become a need.

It has been so damn long since the both of us go out for a date. So damn long. Just the both of us. Sigh. He's busy with his trainings and I am busy with school and work. The only time that we can actually sit down, relax and have a talk face to face is after my work and when he's out of camp. That is like either Friday or Saturday. But.. Most of the time, I am so tired that I just fall asleep unknowingly.. Just like last night. I wanted to watch an online movie with him but I fall asleep on his shoulders. End up he wake me up, paused the show, switch off the laptop and we both went to sleep. 

Why did it become this way? :( 

No time for each other in a relationship is such a torture. 

The worst thing is.. With my projects on hand, I really really don't even have time for myself nor for my family and him...


If not for the money, I will not even work at all. 

I think I should just stop procrastinating. Its getting nowhere and I believe I can sort this out. There isn't anything that cannot be done.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I am this bored. That tired.
But I am gonna persevere no matter what. I am gonna have my 1 month pay soon.
I reckon it will be gone damn fast.
Need to bring kiki to the vet to get his arthritis medicine.
Need to buy my shoe super urgent. 
Buy new specs. 
See, all gone. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


2 more weeks. Just 2 more and you're officially out of HTA and never return to that place anymore.
From then, meeting you will not be a hassle and I can see you more often.
I can't wait because I've endured this for nearly 7 months. Its enough enough. 

I don't know why do I always have to suffer an extra mile. 

Why do I keep dreaming of you? :(
How are you doing over at the other world?
Is there something you want to tell me?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sad life

After I started working, I si bei no life at all. :(

SO TIRED. SO VERY TIRED. But I'll persevere!!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Mirror damn dirty. So not girly me cuz don't bother cleaning the mirror. 

Ben POP LOH!!!!!!

SO HAPPY!!!! I waited for fucking 6 months okay! Argh.

Anyway!!! He's being posted to the HQ and he works every 2 days rest 2 days! :D 


Tuesday, December 7, 2010


So many things happened. I can foresee that the rest of the days will be equally bad. Serious.

My lappie is lagging big time.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Ben is gonna POP in 3 days time! And I specifically took leave that day to actually see his parade! I know he wanted me to go so badly because initially I am working that day. Now that I can go, he's a happy boy.

I can't wait for his posting.

And we are planning a short getaway next year probably during my birthday month near march. Batam, Bintan or Bali? Me want Bali. Bali so pwetty.

And I know what is my birthday present next year. :D :D :D

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hey peeps, I am still very much alive and kicking ass. Hahahahahaha! Been pretty busy lately as ICAs are all piling up. Damn it. I just had my Macroecons paper on Monday and it is farrrrrrrking tricky and difficult! 

"Eh.. This answer like can leh. *sees ans b* No leh.. B also like correct leh." And fuck it, its MCQ.

Tell me why must lecturers make students' life so difficult. Make it easier mah.. You happy, I happy! Okay.. That aside. 

I started work on Mondayeheheh! I'm lovin' it. I'm loving how every hour makes me earn 6bucks. Hahahahahaha! I'd rather work than stay at home, stare at facebook and fucking no life. Although it can be quite tough for me now because I have to memorise the benefits but I am sure I can do it! And, work with FC tomorrow! 

And today.... My sis left for New Zealand for 3 months.. :( I cried laa. Damn useless me. She's leaving me again. No us. But its gonna be a good exposure for her.. However, I am STILL worried. Fuck it. Whenever I think of how she was "con" I fucking du lan. 

I will never forgive that particular person. NEVER. OVER-MY-DEAD-BODY.

Crazy Attica day. Bon voyage! <3