Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pardon me!

Mieux vaut faire, et se repentir, Que se repentir, et rien faire.

Alright alright, I know I have been blogging nonsensical stuffs. And, I know the maggots did scare you guys off a little. Anyways, that's for fun. Treat it as a joke eh?

Just to update you guys that I've got a new wardrobe! :D And, my parents are on talking terms again! My prayer did help!!

Byeeeeee! Study study study study!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I've set my goals.
Now, it's the determination that I need.
I believe that 御本尊 will help me.
Defnitely will...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Maggots on your body.


I hope this maggotsszszz grow on your face. _|_ You think I'm saying about you? Than I'm saying about you!! If you think I'm saying about the one beside you? Than I'm saying about the one beside you!! If you think it has got nothing to do with you? Than it has got nothing to do with you!!

If one day, these maggots really do grow out of no where but on your face, please show it to me!! I would really like to laugh at you. :) Yes you, who do you think is you? ITS YOU!!!


Monday, February 23, 2009

My feelings.

Sometimes, I really couldnt understand adults. I really dont..

What my parents did last night did affect me quite a lot. Fancy quarrelling over such minor stuffs. I told me Dad to give in, but he didnt want to. I asked my Mom to shut up but she didnt want to. I almost couldnt breathe. At that moment, I really wished that I could leave the house right away. I hate handling such emotional stuffs. Im never good at it.

God, please give me the ability to handle such incidents. Please.. I want to see my parents in talking terms again. Seeing my mom being so defenseless, it hurts me. Seeing my dad gone berserk, it scares me.

Till then.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Say NO! to people like them.

Come on, try harder man. Please!!

I really wanna feel you. :( Please please please please!.. I really wanna hear the words from your mouth but not others.

Anyways, if you have any prejudices against me, please tell me straight to my face. I will be glad to entertain such a dumbfuck person like you. Awwwww. Sigh. Dont try to play with me, you'll never win. Trust me.


First and last warning.

Thursday, February 19, 2009



Need to need to need to need to!

Actions speaks louder than words, Jen.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Knew it.

I know who cares and who's not.
I know who's faking and who's not.

Stop treating me like a dumb fuck who knows nothing.
I jolly well knew whats going on.
I think that I dont deserve such an unfair treatment from you.
For, I think that I dont need any kind of attention from you.
Not even a piece of bloody fuck attention.
Get it Mofo?


Made dough with my Sis just now.
My fingers are all red now cus I used the red colouring to make a red dough. Duh! *rolls eyes*
Shouldnt have helped.
Probably retards think that I killed someone.
So, please dont be one. Be smart.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Sunshine after the rain!

Kiki is not having any fleas anymore! :D Shaved him botak just now. Awww, my poor darling! Anyways, my Sis forbid him to sleep with me for the time being. :( I wanna sleep with Kiki!!!!! Sigh.

Kiki's sad these few days because he haven't been sleeping with me for 2 days. Awwww!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

19th Birthday Post!

Since I've got the time for now, I'll post a super duper long entry on my 19th Birthday! Anyhoos, I've already thanked people whom I wanted to thank in my previous post! :P Therefore, this post would be plainly on my birthday and vday itself. :)

School on the 13th was a bore. Lessons were not held. Damn! I shouldn't have gone to school on that very day~ Celebrated my Birthday with the BODs, Joycie and Sy.

Thanks Joycie for the self-made card!

When Joycie passed me the card, I was a little touched! :') No one has ever made me a card before. No worries Joycie, I'll keep in contact with you! :P Take 39 to Pasir Ris only 20 mins!

Ben hurried me to meet him just to let me eat this. :)

Ben made this for me. <3

Went home after school with Joycie. :D

Prepared and went to meet JJ over at interchange. Passed him the Vday gift which was supposedly for Ben.

The photos I printed the night before.

The gift I prepared for him. :)

Waited for Ben together with JJ and took bus 39 over to Pasir Ris to find Sean&Cat. Lovely couple they are! :) Anyways, took bus 403 over to Elias Park. Went over to a restaurant named Summer Breeze. Perfect place for a perfect dining. :) First time having my dinner over at a beach. Awwww! <3

Bennifer, JJ, Ken, Sean&Cat!

The CG Warriors!

Seperated with JJ and Ken. Took a cab over to Arab street for our Sheesha session. Place is superb again! I wanna patronize there again! Must must must must!!

I had this (I forgot the name) and Ben and the couple had wine.

Saw my necklace? HEE! Thats from Ben! Awwww! Lovelove!


Bennifer. <3

Cake bought by my Sis! Yum yum! Durain cake!!

Thanks Sean&Cat!!!! Love the mugs!

And lastly...

The flea-infested dog and I.

Although its just a simple celebration for me, I still love it. Love loooooooove it! Ben planned it well I guess. And he love the gift I gave him. :) Thats good cuz I've been planning it for 2 days. Im glad Ben loves it. When I gave him the gift, his face was like O-M-G! Its for me? Haaa! He still thought that the gift was actually JJ's. Dumb! Hahahaha!

Thanks for everything, Ben. <3

Next stop, ChinnYee, FChee and my Sis!

A gift from Kiki.

The best birthday gift I've ever received....

Flea bites for me. :)

Itchy, itchy & itchyyyyy...

Kiki has got lfeas on his body!! Same goes for Mimi. And the flea bit me when they slept with me!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Vday!

Will be back to blog tomorrow. Stay tuned!

I hate Elizabeth Arden's Eyeliner pencil. It suck!

I got what I want. :)

Hey dearrsss!
Im at Ben's house now! Will be home in the late morning.
Ben will be making me breakfast later. Yum yum pancakes! <3

Thanks people who wished me Happy Birthday!
Thanks Sean&Cat for the bday gift! :P
Thanks JJ for helping me!! I owe you a drink!
Thanks Ken for coming for a short 1 hour! :)
Thanks Bro for the money!!
Thanks Fiona&Tiff for the Mango shirt! <3
Thanks Joyce for the self made card and VANS shoe!! *hugs
Thanks all BODs for the wonderful surprise and the mug!
Thanks Jing Yi for the cake!!

Thanks babyben for the very pretty necklace! Loooooove it!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Content and contented.

Am easily contented.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Can I not know?

Battling this alone.


I dont know why I am feeling this way. I dont know why. Can somebody tell me why? Please tell me why. I am irritated by this situation. Very. I hope I will not feel this way. I need somebody to tell me why. I need to get back on track and to my daily happy life. I need it. I dont want to feel this way. Very wrong. :(


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Grown wider.

I must admit I've grown wider. Damn!!! Why is this happening!! Anyways, I shouldnt whine because, actions speak louder than words. :)

Baby, Im soooo gonna buy it! I've read the reviews and they say its great.
Pleaseeee! *shows puppy eyes*

5 more days! :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Watched and known.

I've watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button!

Rating: 4.8/5

The show is nice but a little too draggy. Was approximately 3 hours long if I'm not wrong. Sat till my butt became numb and I kept fidgeting. -.-"

I think I can never watch movie marathon. Haahaa!
Btw, Brad Pitt is awwwwww! *melts* I think he's more compatible with the lead actress of Benjamin Button rather than Angelina Jolie.

Im tired. Continue some other day.

Tokyo drift.

We are drifting apart.

Friday, February 6, 2009

You'd better be gone.

"You know I will never hate you. I just dont like you to keep insisting that I am flirting. Especially on you, it hurts."

No *, I will never ever forgive you.
This is the last time I am telling you.
Stop it. I've draw a line between you & me.
Without you, I feel so happy and carefree.
Without you, I dont think I've lost anything.
It is as good as nothing.
Please stop perstering me, I've got my own life to lead.
You too.


I've got my say.
I am not obliged to talk to anyone nicely.
If I buay song your face, too bad.
Unluckly then.


I know you might be doubting me, but please, trust me. :)
I am just being friendly and I dont mean anything at all.
Lets just say, friends.


Went for Sarah's CNY Event today. I believe that those Interactors settled themselves kinda fast. XD Okay, this aside. Fiona passed me my early birthday present! Loooove it! Thanks Tingwai & Fiona! And the card too! :D

And I met a new friend today. LOL! It was kind of awkward at first. XD I think it was him who broke the silence. But am the one who made the first move. Kinda complicated but ya. We talked throughout the whole journey till Yishun!! And he is very very talkative. I like! XD He says he wanna treat me prata?! HAHAHAHAHAA! Anyway, he's cute. :) And just to avoid any misunderstandings, I am older than him by 2, so do not make any wild guesses! Appreciated.

I believe Ben wouldnt mind. :) My Baby has a big heart isnt it?

And Ronald, I hope what you said aint true because I've touched all the wooden furnitures in my house liaooO!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!

Benjamin Button tomorrrroooowwwwwwwwww!

Ben, we need to spend time together. :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Call me "ah lian".

Was being called an Ah Lian today. :O
Me? A ah lian?
Oh, it was a big fat fucking joke man.
Please, I'm too good to be a ah lian lor!!

Met uncivilised barbs today!
Wuuuunderful man. *claps*
I think I should really kow-tow to them.
Funny. They asked for their usual 1 on 1 fight while Im in the cubicle.
LOL!! I think they want a slap on the face with my used pad eh?

Meeting FionaCuz tomorrow! Wonder what surprise she's gonna give me cus she says its a surprise not meant for me to know till tomorrow! :D
And XuanZhi please update me on your Guitar Hero because I wanna play the drum!!!
And Gino, you said you gonna come Clementi find me to have lunch!! When when when??

Walked home with Ben today from the MRT.
I shant deny that I love his companion.

Till then.

p/s rmb, call me ah lian even if im not.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thats what friends are for.

Hearts CY&FC!

Be back later. Gonna conference with them now. Loveeee.

Attention please.

*Kiki is lying down on my lap now while I am using the comp!*

Naked face.

The family upstairs/downstairs is happily drilling their walls on and off.
Super irritating and now, they are hitting the nails into the walls.
Made Kiki run for his life when the drilling starts again&again.

Mom gave me 4 tickets to Wildwild wet and 4 tickets to Escape theme park!!
Ben says maybe we can go during my birthday or this weekend! Hurraaayyy!

How can I not love him?

Actually, there's many things running through my mind. I am a straightforward person. But being afraid that people might not like my straightforwardness, I quit. I quit being honest to others about my feelings. I quit being myself because others dont appreciate who I am. I stopped turning to others for help in the exception of Ben, for I think that no one will be willing to help me. Tell me, who in the world will accept other people's flaws? Who? Yes, maybe a handful. If you're a bitch, you will be remained as a bitch for the rest of your life.

I think... You're just trying to bring me down. The way you speak, the way you do things, the way you treat others is very different from the way you react to me.


I know I shouldn't feel affected by this kinda person but... Well, nevermind!

At least there's someone who knows me inside out.

None other than Ben.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Probably wont be going to school tomorrow because I've got my cramps. :(
And backaches. Its aching real bad this time round.

I need to restttttt.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Having migraines now.

Neeeeways, Mom is over at her company's D&D. :(
And I ate fried rice which tasted awful. :X
Made me swallow the rice down with chrysanthemum tea. H

Talked to Cy on the phone just now. :)
Heheheehe, I know you cared. :)


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blinded by you.

Its never fair.