Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Siao and normal









Very normal... Hahahaha. Had a hard time removing the lipstick. :( Wanted to head out after that but my whole lips area too red! Had to use make up remover. Heeeee.

Anyway, wishing light. <3 p="">

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hard work really pays

I'm gonna unofficially graduate in 2 days time. How time really flies. I've never dreamt to have come this far. 

Since secondary school I am never ever fond of learning. People call me "Ah Lian" in school, been to the principal's office multiple times, given warning letter countless time and almost got dismiss from school four times. Never ever a goody goody student that was well liked by the teacher, played prank, made the teacher cry and skipping class most of the time that I finally got caught. Frankly speaking, I kinda enjoy it. Didn't realize the importance of education till I finally gotten my o level results and I scored a whooping 41 points. I threw away my pride and begged for forgiveness from the school to give me another chance to retake my o levels in school. My parents told me, its either you go back school to study or you work. But I wasn't all ready to work and the more am I not ready to go back school and face those teachers who hated me so much before. You know, the pride and the embarrassment I am gonna face.. I just couldn't take it. But in the end I went back to school, failed my o levels the second time with 39 points... Not much of a difference.

Went to apply for ITE, business information technology. My form teacher is really really a nice guy. Super encouraging and always so patient. I worked hard, got into NYP with a GPA of 3.91. Super proud of it!

Then now I'm in Poly, although I don't really have much achievements I still worked hard. Just that some assholes gave me shits during TEP that totally pulled my GPA down. I really don't fucking deserve it. But its okay cuz I worked hard for my IPP, managed to pull it up a little. Am still trying my best and strive hard for my final exams. 

And there you go.. That is how much I went through during my 5 years of life. I changed, become better, differentiate the importance and now here I am typing this telling my dear ones that, with hard work you will definitely succeed one fine day. 

All these, I earn it myself. No one taught me what I should be doing. No one. I was being looked down but I stand firm and pull through it. I encounter many problems but look, I am still here, making a difference in my life. Although during this period of time, I didn't have any achievements, but I am sure I will one day. :) I worked hard for the things I want. 

Looking back, it was an amazing journey. I took a longer path but I gained many experiences in life that many don't. 

I will make it big one day. I will. :) I can feel it. I can see the future of me being what I want. 

Thanks to those people who really helped me a lot during this phase of life. I am entering into a brand new phase very soon. Problems will definitely occur but you don't learn without problems or hardships.  

I am really grateful. Really am. :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

And so, as you get older, you try more new things.
And as you get older, your age becomes a secret.

Anyways, I am so into reddish things nowadays. And I am currently so obsessed with lip stains. I buy but I didn't wear it out. Loser! And my complexion is getting better. Hehehehe. :D And I became fairer. >:( I don't want to be fairer. I want me to be tanner. Maybe time for some tanning session after exams!

Last Saturday...

They surprised me! Initial plan was just a simple dinner and a get together cuz it has been so damn long that all the 5 of us actually meet up. The cake is really really good!! Layers of crepe with whipped cream and custard and strawberries. Yummerz! Anyway, its at Paris Baguette. I wanna go for their all day breakfast next time! Hehehehehe. 

Thank you girls so much! <3 p="">

Just two photos to end off this post. I'm so in love with my new cammie. Awesome pictures! <3 nbsp="" p="">

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Welcoming 2013

Hi everybody, I got into.... SIA! That explains my red lippy lips. HAHAHA NOT! I'm not up for it. Not skinny enough to be one. :P Just kidding people, no serious stuffs!

I know I disappeared for quite a while. Been busy with my school projects. My gawdddd..

Anyway I'm graduating soon!! Self proclaimed! In just 5 more days. 5 more freaking days and I'm getting my well deserved diploma.

Was wondering what is gonna be ahead for me for year 2013. I'll definitely get my degreh~ Hhahaha. But the financial wise.... Hmmmm.. A little tight. Probably I will take a loan. I'm going all out for HR. Kinda like this industry. I'm not so confident about SIM. Maybe I might consider SIM too. Idk... :( I'm in such a dilemma. Sighhhh.. Life just have to make decisions.. Decisions that affect you for the rest of your life. 

Okay, maybe I should stop being such a nerd and stop talking about studies.

I can't wait for 1 March. I am gonna go bangkok in like 25 more days!!!!! Freaking can't wait!!!

Maybe I should consider joining the air lines. But I don't think I can cuz I got tattoo. :( Idk.. I don't know what I want right now. Okay, maybe I should give it a try. HEE! Aiyaaaaa.. :(

Alright, bye.