Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sometimes, people just fucked up their own life without knowing why.

Just few days ago, I wasn't in my right state of mind. I did stupid things and got shunned off very stupidly.

I shan't say that my life was fucked up. Just that I'm at lost on what I'm doing. The things I did last week, I don't remember a shit. Only thing I remembered was I worked at the Natas fair at expo. Other than that, I really don't remember anything.

Sigh.. When can I get back my right state of mind?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fucked up

Some people just want to listen to how "interesting" your life is..

Monday, February 20, 2012

JB trip

JB trip with the Malaysian kakis on 11 Feb!

Went JB with swollen eyes! :( Damn sad. Swollen for damn long already.

Luckily DS got car, if not everywhere is almost inaccessible! Thank god for that. Heeee. Cheap and nice food and funny gambling session over at Lising's place!

Really enjoyed this 1 day trip! Hehehehehe! 

Me love roses.

I looooove looooove loooooove receiving roses. 

And it has been so long since I received one. This birthday and vday I received 3 bouquets! Mad love. Hahahaha no words can describe how happy I am to be receiving these flowers. :)

Thank you for the 2 bouquet of roses Boy. :) You really did managed to surprise me big time. When you gave me the first bouquet I was a little disappointed but I know it's the heart that counts. But later when we're leaving, you open the backseat door and passed me another bouquet. Was really in a state of shock cuz I really didn't expected it! Thank you so much for making me happy. Thank you so much for putting in effort. Thank you so much for the surprise. I can really see that you're trying your best. You really did made me the happiest girl in the world.

Thank you G for the big bouquet of roses. Haha although it was meant to be a surprise but ya, I sort of guessed it already. :) Thank you for the effort. I really appreciate it. Really do. :) And don't think too much. Good luck for your exams! :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A collage made by my friend.

That's when I received the flowers from you and that was how I looked like. So shy, so happy and so embarrass. Do you know? No you don't. 

All you do is to doubt, get paranoid, being emotional and sending me all the texts making so effin' stressed up. Tell me, what do you want from me? I'm trying to adjust myself to the life that I always wanted. I don't wanna get tied down. You over-react too much that it scares me now. 

I don't wanna think about it anymore. Yeah, just one day of Vday that things have to be so fucked up. Maybe Feb isn't a fabulous one afterall. 

Park Regis advanced bday celebration

Staycation over at Park Regis with my 2 lovely darlings was awesome! So carefree~ Always love staycation. Always. 

Fam came to surprise me and hahahahaha the surprise was effin failed lah. :( I very much wanted to get surprised you know. Anyways, it's okay! Love all of them to even "gei gao" these kind of stuffs. And nobody loves me more than they do. I knew it from the bottom of my heart. 

Love you FC babe. Thank you for the staycation treat. And I know I've been sort of like neglecting for the past 2 weeks. Was pretty busy. I don't know what I am busy with though. I just feel busy. So sorry about it!! We shall meet up really soon and I miss you so much!! <3 <3

Thank you CY babe for the USS tickets! Love you as much as I love FC! Hope you enjoy yourself too! And I just met you yesterday to celebrate our awesomeness friendship cum vday together. It's a little weird though but I'm glad we through this lonely time together! Hahahahah! 

Never felt so loved before. <3

Awesome February

The babes surprised me with cupcakes on my birthday!

What's more, it's my favorite 12 cupcake! And they got me my favorite Red Velvet! Yumtum!

Super happy, super touched! Haha although their surprise failed but yeah, it's the thought that counts. I'm really super glad that I entered EMRS and met so many fucking awesome friends. Never thought that my life in Poly would be so wonderful even though its just 9 weeks out of these 3 years. It does really make a huge difference. Am happy, am glad, am appreciative. 

Thank you girls for whatever you girl had done. Love you babes many many! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

If you don't ask, you'll never get it.

Got feel to blog in Chinese but I really suck at it. Sigh. Blogging in Chinese seems to be more expressive eh?

Anyway, my laptop just chose the most awesome time to break down when I have photos to upload. Fuck yay! Awesomeness man!

Eyes swollen some more. So shitty. Tmrw last day of EMRS and everyone is gonna be so sad. I think I'll just stand there like an idiot without emotions. Lol. So me. Hahahahahha!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Touched and loved

Words can't even describe how touched and loved I am for these 2 days. 

It was an advanced birthday celebration for me! I believe for the next few days it will be absolutely fun till my birthday ends on Tuesday! 

Friday EMRS outing, Saturday JB Trip with my darlings! I can't freaking wait lah! Life's good this year. Many many more to come!!! 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

What's wrong?

I seriously has got no idea what's going on between us. No fucking idea. I guess you've got no idea too.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Dad

Picture was taken during CNY. Looking at this photo made me noticed how much he has aged.. I don't know.. This photo really make me overwhelm with lots of different feelings.. 

Out of the 3 children, he dote on me best.. And yet, I disappoint him the most too..

I'm the naughtiest and most rebellious child in the family. Did all sorts of nonsense that made him and my mom cried so many fucking times. And yet, they never give up on me. Sigh.. Now at 22 and I look back, I see how much I've changed. And also.. How much my parents have changed.. 

Dad has diabetes and I can slowly see the medicine is making his health deteriorates and Mom's arthritis is really making her so tired and she lost so much weight. I don't know what to do to help them in all these.. But just to make sure I study hard and make them happy.. 

When in teenage years, you would hear me rant about how much I hated my parents for controlling me. For being so unreasonable in everything. For having a curfew. For not giving me enough freedom. For not being understanding enough. For all sorts of whatever a teenage girl can think of. I quarrel with them umpteen times on all the troubles I've created. It's all good now. All good. As I grow older, I love them more. I fear for their departure.. I don't want it to happen. 

It made me realised something, parents forgive everything you do and still love you no matter how much you've hurt them. So true. Cuz I been through it. Tested and proven.

Sweetest people

Sweetest people I've met. 

Always bringing fun and laughter into my life. Love them all. <3 <3 <3