Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Deep thoughts

Sometimes it really set me thinking if I had made the correct choice few years back. What would life become when the decision was not made and I moved on?

All these years of my life, I always hold the thought of giving in to anyone that I love. But look, what did I actually get? Sometimes, I think that I've been too nice but sometimes I think I'm really selfish. I've been helping people sorting out their thoughts and giving advices till I lost track of the emotions that I should really get. I always always always damn always make others' problems, my problem and try my best to settle it. Then, it made me become stress, useless and tired after all of these..

& when I'm alone, I don't think. My mind is always in a total blank and I just take whatever is coming along...

Actually, I'm not happy at all and I feel the need to be alone.. After all these while, what did I get? After all these while, what has others done to make me feel better?? I always question myself, am I happy?

Probably the answer would be no.