Friday, July 24, 2009

What's with blogger?

I am getting annoyed with Blogger.

I smell fireworks.

Anyhoos, I really wish to update more but I am extremelyyyyy lazy! And whenever I login to Blogger, my comp lags like nobody's biz man. This is getting on my nerves!

And, I need shopping. Badly.

So, I RockBand like siao these days. I am playing 4 key notes on guitar liao! Hahahahahahaaaa! As for drum, I think I suck because me got confuse with the leg and hand whenever I play medium mode. Needless to say, I suck at singing. HAHAHAHAHAAA! Ben kept saying I am tone deaf. Sigh. Very disheartening. But seriously speaking, those blah bleah boo song I've never heard before. And I think the only song I can actually pass will be "Are You Gonna Be My Girl". I suck at the song creeeeep. I actually couldn't believe it. I thought I would sound...... nice.