Friday, July 31, 2009

Spells E-L-A-T-E-D.

I've got something happy to share with you guys.

That's if you kpo and you wanna know! Come and ask me about it!

SooSian knew it! Hahahahahahaaaaa!


Ciao! I am in school at the moment. Be back later for more updates!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.

I find the quote above vehly true.

Life has been fulfilling lately.

Bro suggested bringing KiKi to the beach during the last weekend. So everyone in the family went. The way he swim is uberly cuteeee! No vids of him swimming tho'. Because I am afraid that I dropped my phone into the sea.

Ben has been super supportive of me lately. Thanks babeh~ I appreciate everything you did. :) 2 days more till our 3 years 11 months. A month later and it will be our 4 years. It is never easy to maintain such a long relationship. But all I can say is.. Both of us give in to each other whenever we can. Although you don't see us being lovey dovey like those I love you dearly 1314 24 hours must show love couples out there. The both of us know that deep in our heart, we love each other dearly.

And.. I really should thank him and his family for bringing me into this religion. The faith in me is becoming stronger and stronger each time. When the world pushes you down, you are in the perfect position to chant. I saw it on Kaz's msn a few days ago.

I am thinking of getting another tattoo after I graduate from ITE. It symbolizes something. Not gonna tell you guys. But ya. It is something that I did and I am happy for it. And I am absolutely sure I made the right choice. Hopefully Ben allows.

The last thing I am gonna say is..

I am not what you guys think I am. I am tired of explaining to each and everyone of you. If you still wanna portray me this way. There's only one thing I can say. You're being fucking shallow to the fucking core. And stop looking at me in an alienic way. I must stress on this, I do not like it. I repeat, I do not like it.



This year's NDP theme song is vehly the nice to listen. But the singer not handsome leh. Find a more handsome one next time la~ Good for the eyes and the ears. Hahahahahaaa! Oppsie.

See the moon and the stars~ Look how far we have come~ Le Kua simi~

Anyways, see Mr Brown version of the NDP song. :) Laugh till you peng.

Nights all!

p/s anyone willing to send me 100bucks kinokuniya vouchers? i'll love you the max yo.

Monday, July 27, 2009


I want to LAO SAI!!!

Good life, good food = FAT ME.

I see myself I sian. WHY!!! I should stop procastinating. Ben's dragging me to jog with him tomorrow.

Don't LIKE LOR!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

What's with blogger?

I am getting annoyed with Blogger.

I smell fireworks.

Anyhoos, I really wish to update more but I am extremelyyyyy lazy! And whenever I login to Blogger, my comp lags like nobody's biz man. This is getting on my nerves!

And, I need shopping. Badly.

So, I RockBand like siao these days. I am playing 4 key notes on guitar liao! Hahahahahahaaaa! As for drum, I think I suck because me got confuse with the leg and hand whenever I play medium mode. Needless to say, I suck at singing. HAHAHAHAHAAA! Ben kept saying I am tone deaf. Sigh. Very disheartening. But seriously speaking, those blah bleah boo song I've never heard before. And I think the only song I can actually pass will be "Are You Gonna Be My Girl". I suck at the song creeeeep. I actually couldn't believe it. I thought I would sound...... nice.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Time to update!

I guess I have to start updating now. If not the photos kept piling up and up and up! It practically made me extremely lazy to update anything AT ALL.

Finally the nightmare's gone. Yay!!

Ben bought RockBand! Double yay!!

Bro bought a new car! Triple yay!!!

And.. I might have a room to myself! Wee! This is so shioook.

Anyways, I've forgotten what to blog about already. I think I'll just blog about today. :)

Had my breakfast with SooSian this morning over at LJS. My first time trying their breakfast and wow, ITS NICE! Never will I thought that their breakfast will taste so nice. Because their usual combos aren't as fantastic. So we had the JR meal for only $3+. But... I must say that their orange juice suck! Hahahahahaaaaa! Soooo artificial and yucky. Taste like cough syrup. Period.

And, I think I spent quite a bit today.

First thing first, I am extremely fucking pissed with my complexion now. I've NEVER had blemishes for the past 17 years. I've NEVER had so many fucking ccb pimples popping out in my life. Till this year. Eh.. No. Till I came into this school!!!!! THIS IS SOOOO #&@*(&#&^!^!. What? Don't tell me I am having puberty can?!?!?! Pui! Please lor. I am already going to be a fucking 20 years old woman liao still tell me puberty. Argh!

So I couldn't help it but to resort in buying a more expensive product for my face from The FaceShop. My money~~~~~~~~~~ T.T Sigh. What to do. No girls wants to have blemishes and pimples on their face!!! Who ask me so vain. HAHAHAHAHAAA! Whatever it is.. it is a girl's responsibility to look good isn't it?

I just sincerely hope that this product will do wonders man. Clear the blemish and those irritating pimples on me. I pray hard this time. Super duper pray to the max. I want to result to be out in a month's time!

Ooooh. And I bought some necessities from Daiso. The always 2 dollars shop! And... This one power one!



I bought an eye lash curler~ Got heat one. LOL!!! And.. it works! WEEEEEE!

Yup! Aiya, I will post photos one la!

Till then!

p/s blogger's a bitch! cannot upload photos sia! this is so ccb.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Busy bee.


I am sooooo hooked on Rockband!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Short update.

Life's good these days. :)

AYG aren't as bad as I thought it would be! I met wonderful people! Hahahahaha! Made some new friends and saw amazing cars zoom by. Am the ushering the VIPs. So yeap! Hahahahahaha! My team in charge not bad. Quite good looking also. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!

All in all, I am looking forward to everyday of the AYG's event till Monday!! :) Although I have to wake up at freaking 6.30am every morning but it is all worth it. :D