Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cramps cramps cramps. :(
Been having this cramps for nearly a week already but the cramps still persist.
Sigh, how I wish Im a guy.
I want to remove all my ovalries!!! ALL ALL ALL!
Anyway, I dont intend to have any children. Kids.. *shakes head*
Are a nuisance.

Mimi's over at my place again. *twist*

Mom cooked duck porridge for dinner. Yummmm~

Im missing Ben. Lots.

2 weeks more to my 19th birthday. I feel so old out of a sudden.
And I dont feel 19 at all. HAHA!
Im young at heart!

Time to spare.

I've finally have got time to spare.

Actually, was kinda tired but was waiting for Ben to finish his bath and continue our conversation. :D

Anyways, CNY was great. Although I dislike about the people over at my paternal's side, they were kinda generous in a way.
Went over to maternal side on the 2nd day of lunar and Nana & I were playing Guitar Hero. Lol! Super funnnyyyy la~~~
And I mahjong-ed and blackjack-ed. I won 10 bucks. LOL!

Baked some cupcakes for my cousins. And they said its nice. :D
A good start.

I am blessed to have Ben with me.
I am blessed to have a nice family and cousins.
I am blessed to be able to share things with my bro&sis.
I am blessed to be blessed by these people..

Ben has been helping me with a lot of things.
He pull my through the darkest hole of all. The times I was really lost, he was there.
Three long years for being such a wonderful boyfriend. :)

Ben passed his evaluation test! Congrats!!! Was waiting for him to finish his test this evening. The place is kinda eerie. :S

BTT and then to Provisional Driving License then to .... Blah~
I know nuts about cars. Haaaa.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Who di you think I am?


Stop it stop it STOP IT!
I've got my limits.
I seriously ccb got my fucking limit.

Seriously, its the 4th time you're doing this and I am fucking unhappy about it. Fucking unhappy.
Fucking 4th.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hey guys, happy lunar new eyar to all!
Will be back to blog during the weekends.

Sometimes, its too late to regret your doings. Face it.
Because it aint coming back no more.
He's mine, not yours.
Thank you.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Me babysit? Noooo!

Im busy babysitting those 2 devils at my place today!

Its not baby babies, its my doggies.

Sis is in love with Mimi and she totally forgotten about dear boy!
Was nagging her that she's bias.

Well, as for me, love them both!
Im forever fair.

Meeting Ben later in the night for a last minute shopping for accessories.


Friday, January 23, 2009



School was alright. I finished up the assignment given on time. (The ever first time.)
Got this adrenaline rush all out of a sudden. Haha.
Hormones changing?

Doooper classic.

Trained to Sembawang and took the shuttle bus over to SSC. =.="
Joycie was superrrr indecisive in choosing her tops&bottoms.
Made me lose a lil of my patience. As always. My bad.

Mimi's staying over tonight.

Im tired. Nights.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Whats wrong?

Hands are shivering.
Is it the symptom of ---?
Omg, I hope its not.

Its shivering quite badly.


除了想你 除了愛你
翻開日記 整理心情

你始終沒有愛過 你在敷衍我
我真的感到力不從心 無力繼續






Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oh, so that's how it works.

Don't pity the girl with one true friend. Envy her. Pity the girl with just a thousand acquaintances.

Just got home together with my Mom.
Went for an eyebrow trimming session with her! :D
Love the outcome of it. Went to the clinic aftermath to find my Dad.
Took his diabetes med and left. Its good to spend this little time with my parents.

Joyce said that she's gonna buy me the VANS shoe!!!
Happy or what?

This is chio.

Love you lots la!!!!!
*Opps* Later Sophia kill me. HAHAHAHAHAAAA!
Friday ON AH! :D

Im gonna turn 19 in less than a month's time.
And wow!
I wonder how shall I celebrate my bday this year.
Ben says lets go to a pub and drink our hearts out instead.
Hmm.. Maybe I shall consider that.

I wanna buy falsies but Ben forbids me to buy it. :(
He says its a waste of money when my lashes are already kinda long.
Guys will never understand girls. HAAA! I want it to be longer mah!! :X


Monday, January 19, 2009

Whats with these peeps?

8th time to be asked to be a social escort.



Sunday, January 18, 2009


What a catch.

Bugis was the last on my mind. Headed over to The Central for a shopping trip.
Bused there.

Beb: So are you happy with what you reaped today?
Jen: Definitely.

Bought a pair of shorts and 2 tops.
Love my tops lots. :)
Shorts was bought impulsively. Damn.
Saw nicer ones but well, I already bought mine.
Reserved a top from HURS and Ben like me wearing this top. :D

Working with the project with SooSian now.

Ben says: Its time to get a pair ring for the both of us. It has been 3 years.



"Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand."

Quoted by: Woody Allen

If having this chance, I would want to. :)

Kiki's sister, Mimi, just left. Ran around the house like nobody's biz.
Both of them looked so adorable playing together. How sweet.

Kiki says Hi.



Love withers with predictability; its very essence is surprise and amazement. To make love a prisoner of the mundane is to take its passion and lose it forever.

The Canvas.


I finally bought my shoe.
Not VANS tho'. :(
Really wanted VANS canvas which I saw online but many online sellers are from US. They didnt want to ship over to places in Asia.
Toooooooooooo bad. They lost such an important customer to them. :X
Anyhoo, I really wanted the VANS canvas a lot. My birthday coming, any kind souls wanna buy it for me?

Went shopping with Ben&Fam. :D
Went to places like Northpoint (like -.-), Woodlands factory and Sembawang Shopping Centre.
Okayy, SSC is like wow! Quite a lot of difference from the previous one.
The renovation is a success. Even tho' NP renovated, it was like still the same lorrszsz.
Not much of a difference. Bah!

Daiso-ed. Coooolz.
Bought a pair of scissors for Kiki.
Like duh, for cutting his fur.

Bugis tomorrow.


Friday, January 16, 2009

Back kcab.

Please Mister, can I have this feeling back?

Back in action!


I've decided to blog in blogger again! :D C'mon, I wanna have 3 cheers! Hahahahahaa! Found this blogskin kinda nice, so intend to use it.

Alrighto, Im off here now.

Migraines, killed.

Neways, blog is in a mess. Will do some adjustments again!
